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Friday, July 16, 2010

Neurotic personalities

Among these neurotic personalities are chain smokers,alcoholics,drug addicts, people contemplating suicide, and all those anxious,fussy people who are never quite satiesfied with life.They also include almost all ulcer patients,as weill as the majority of those suffering from high blood pressur.People who are abnormally fat or thin may also belong to the neurotic group.because of their nervous tensions they either est too much or too little.Sleep-walkers,insomniacs,obessive-compulsive people,cynics,chronics,scoffers,nagging wives,and almost of those unfortunat people who are "always sick"-all of those are emotionally unhealthy in one way or another.Their frustrartion and complaints are almost endless.

Cicero,the great Roman philosopher,said,"The diseases of the mind are more numerous and more destructive than those of the body."He was right,but often the true situation is not recoginized.As a result,many of these unhappy people find themselves wandering from one doctor's office to another,always seaching for a solution,never finding that inner peace they so much desire.sometimes these unfortunate suffers may actually dream up a few extra symptoms to help them gain sympathy!They worry their friends,their families,their employers,their pastors their attorneys,and physicians.

Every doctor's reception room has its share of these unhappy people Many of them feel guilty over real or imaginary situations.Others are afraid of heart trouble,high blood pressure,and cancer.They act as if they are being punished for what they did or did not do.These peculiar guilt feelings always seem to stem from early childhood.As these neurotic people grow older,they often tend to exchange one set of symptoms for another,until finally they reach old age .yet none of this really necessary,with proper care and pranayam or treatment,,most of these problems can be solved.

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