The Apaan mudra is an extremely important and useful mudra that first detoxifies (and, therefore, purifies) the body and the energizes it.
Method: Appan mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, the middle finger and the ring finger.
Effects: Appaan mudra is a combination of the Aakaash-vardhak(Aakaash) and the Prithvi-vardhak(pritvi) mudras. Apart from an increase of elements space and earth, appan mudra brings about an increase of Vaaata and Kapha humors and therofre a decrease of Pitta humor.
Benefits: the Apaan mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Anuria (absence/obstruction of urine)
2. Constipation, flatulence (gas), pile,
3. Absence of sweat,
4. Delayed delivery of a child,
5. Burning in the body/body-parts,
6. Ailments caused by a deficiency of element space and humor Vaata,
7. Ailments caused by a deficiency of element earth and humor kapha,
8. Ailments caused by and excess of elemnt fire and humor Pitta.
Duration: Minimum 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day)
Precaution : People with a Vaata+kapha mix constitution should perform this mudra in moderation
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