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Friday, July 16, 2010

Mula Bandha

Mula Bandha involves contraction of the anus. It enables one to conserve vital or sex energy and to convert it into spiritual energy.
How to do : Sit in Sidhi asana. In it the heel is placed firmly against Kanda or Yoni, the space between the anus and the organ of generation. The space is the centre of vital force.
Two fingers above the anus is located Muladhara Chakra. This centre is dominated by the energy force Apana, which carries out the functions of excertion. Prana, on the other hand, carries out respiratory functions. Prtana draws energy and conserves it. Apan draws the energy out to exp0el the waste material from the body. Any disharmony in their functions results in early old age and death.
It should be noted that mind and prana are inter-lined. If the mind is engaged in hatred, passion or greed, the Apana becomes active and the sense do not perform normally and energy goes waste.
This exercise can be practiced even while sitting, standing, walking, lying or working. But it should not be performed if one suffers from constipation

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