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Friday, July 16, 2010


All the three nadis start from Muladhara and they join together at Ajna Chakra, the place between two eye brows.Sushumna has many centers which are called chakras or wheels. Every chakra is formed by the union of several nadis . It si mystically represented as a lotus. Nadis that join in the chakras are represented by the petals. Every petal or nadi has a mystic vibration which is represented by a root letter or Bijakshara.
Each chakra has a seperate number of petals , a distinct colour, a distinct presiding deity, a distinct predomination tanmatra or subtle element, a distinct root letter representing the vibration of the center.As the Kundalini passes throught the chakras, each center is flooded with energy and blooms, revealing the hidden powers that belong to every center.There are seven most important chakras. Kundalini is a Divine Energy represented as goddess. Shiva, the Absolute, abides in Sahasrara. When the Shakti or Goddess is united with Shiva, the soul attains Supreme Freedom. Before one tries to arouse kundalini, he should practice selfless service of humanity and devotion to God. Asanas, pranayamas, bandhas and mudras and yogic kriyas should also be performed to purify nadis. Virtues like devotion for guru, humility for mankind control over senses should also be followed. One should meditate upon the chakras one by one. Many are the ways to awaken kundalini. Some do it through meditation, some through bhakti, some like jnanis do it through path of wisdom and some like Karma yogis through selfless service.

Muladhara Chakra
Location : About 1" above the anus.
Element : Earth.
Root letter : Lam.
Presiding Deity : Ganesh
Gains from meditation : Hapiness, victory over earth element.

Swadhishthan Chakra
Location: Root of organ of generation
Element : water.
Root letter : Yam.
Deity :Brahma
Meditation : leads to victory over water elements, sense of control like passion, freedom from greed, hatred, etc, poetic skill.

Manipur Chakra
Location: Navel
Root letter : ram
Deity : Vishnu
Meditation leads to knowlege to body, stomach ailments cured.ation : Heart

Anahata Chakra
Location : Heart.
Root letter : Yam.
Deity : Rudra.
Meditation leads to ability to speak brillianlty, develop poetic skill, psychic powers.

Vishudhi Chakra
Location : Throat
Root letter : Ham
Deity : Sada Shiva .
Meditation leads to wisdom, absence of fear and grief, knowledge of present, past and future.

Ajna Chakra
Location : Betwee Eye brows.
Root letter : Om
Diety : Shiva
Meditation leads to control over all lower chakras; attainment of samadhi and destruction of karmas.

Sahasrar Chakra

Location : Crown of the head.Root letter : Vindu or point.
Deity : Lord Shiva
Meditation leads to immortality through highest form of samadhi; freedom from birth and death. Supreme bliss.

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