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Friday, July 16, 2010

Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra

Popularly known as shoonya mudra, this mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body .

Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the middle finger on base of the thumb and tehn bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. The amounts to suppression of element space(residing in the middle finger) by element fire(residng in the thumb).

Effects: aakaash-shaamak mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body. It can, therefore, be used to treat disorders (enlisted below) caused by an abnormal increase of space within the body. The element space is associated with ears.
Therefore Aakaash-shaamak mudra helps certain ear disorders. In fact, it is an almost fail proof remedy for ear-pain.

The decreased internal space restricts the rest of the four bodily elements i.e, vaayu(air), agni(fire), jal(water) and pirthvi(earth). Therfore, aakaash-shaamak mudra can be beneficially combined with Vaayu-shamaak, Agni-shammak, Pritvi-shammak and jal-shammak mudras.

The element aakaash is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The decrease of space in the body form the practice of Aakaash-shammak mudra pacifies the (aggravated) Vaata. Therfore, this mudra is especially suitable for people having a pronounced Vaata constitution (Vaata dosha).

Benefits: Aakash-shamak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:

1. Feeling of emptiness or numbers in the body or body parts like the head, the chest, the abdomen, etc.,

2. Ear ailments like pain, tinnitus(noises), vertigo and acquired deafness.

duration: In case of acute ear-pain, incapacitating vertigo or severe numbness, perform this mudra continuously till the disorder subsides. For chronic ear ailments or numness perform this mudra for 45 minutes either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e., for 15 minutes thrice a day).

Ideal time: for chronic disease, this mudra should, if possible be performed at anytime other than 2.00 to 6.00 am/pmgives better results.

Precaution : Experienced doctors believe that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.

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