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Friday, July 16, 2010

Sarvanga Asana

Sarvanga means all the parts of the body and this asana benifits all parts of the body, particularly the thyroid gland, resulting in proper digestion, blood circulation and respiration.

How to do : Lie down flat on back. Lift both the legs until the trunk, hips and legs are in a vertical position. The fore arms should be moved up holding the back with the palms of the hand, supporting the body and keeping it steady so that the chin will be pressed firmly against the throat which has a squeexing action on the thyroid gland . The whole weight of the body will be resting on the shoulders. Inhale deeply.

Duration :
It can be done from a few seconds to three minutes. This asana is done only once each day.

Gains :
The exercise promotes the secretions of the thyroid, thus toning up the whole body and nourishing the blood and the nerves. .It restores the lost vitality and is most valuable in cases of dyspepsia, constipation, gastrtointestinal disorders and varicose veins. It is said to cure even leprosy when practised regularly in conjunction with a special diet. It awakens the mystic Kundalini. This is regarded next only to king of all asanas-shirsha asana

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