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Friday, July 16, 2010

Shakti Chalini Mudra

How to do : For this sit Sidhasana or Padmasana. Place the palms on the ground. Balancing the body on the palms slowly raise the buttocks and strike them against the ground several times. Then perform Mula Bandha , the exercise to contract anus and drawing it upwards. Inhale through the left nostril. Join the Prana with Apana and let the combined force pass through the Sushumna. Perform Jalandhar Bandha and try to retain breath. While practicing retention, perform Ashwini Mudra . Then release the Jalandhar Bandha and exhale through the right nostril. The same may be repeated by reversing the nostrils.
Benefits : This bestows a radiant health and long life and awakens the Kundalini Shakti.

Tadana Kriya : Shakti Chalini Mudra is associated with Tadana kriya. One has to strike the Kanda with his foot while seated in Sidhasana.
Gains : This awakens the Kundalini Shakti.

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