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Friday, July 16, 2010

Exercises for mind.

The first consideration is to give the mind its necessary exercises. We all know that by lack of exercise our muscles and nerves degenerate and deteriorate; whereas, by regular exercise they can be developed to an almost infinite degree and amount of strength and efficiency. It has been demonstrated by many athletes and men of unusual physical strength, that by proper exercise the power of the muscles and other physical faculties can be developed to any degree of proficiency. The story is told about a farmer who used to carry a little pet calf across a narrow stream. This he did every day until the calf gradually grew up,but the farmer continued to carry it without being conscious of its physical development.. His attention being drawn towards this fact, he realized that it was a bull which he was carrying so easily. Although this might be only a story, it undoubtedly illustrates how by gradual exercise, one can develop the power of one's muscles to an unbelievable degree of proficiency
It is not hard to demonstrate the fact, that by means of exercise we can develop the strength of our physical body to an inconceivable extent. The same is true regarding the development of our mental faculties. But through lack of exercise our spiritual and mental powers have pitifully degenerated. Consequently we have lost control over our mind; we have lost our memory; we have lost the power of discrimination, foresight and many other subtle manifestations of mental power. Since these faculties have been exercised and cultured by many to an amazing degree of proficiency, it proves that anyone can do so by regular scientific exercise.
There are people who have cultured their power of concentration to such an extent that they can read any book, page by page, at a single glance. The psychology behind this is not very difficult to understand. We know that when a child learns to read he does so, letter by letter. He must spell each word before he comprehends its meaning. As he grows up, he can read word by word; when he advances further he can even read a whole sentence at a glance. Developing the same faculty still more, a whole thought or a paragraph can be read at a glance. By developing the focus of the mind a whole page can read just as easily as a sentence or 0paragraph
Very often certain problems present themselves to us in our lives. Because we do not know how to bring the mind, to a state of peace, pose and tranquillity, we do not arrive at any definite and constructive decision. But a concentrated mind can probe with ease into any deep problem, finding the most wonderful solution which would be impossible for a disturbed mind even to apprehend.
Many other illustrations could be given in order to show the benefits which a fully developed and concentrated mind can bring even to ordinary daily life. The culture and attainment of a very healthy condition of the mind is absolutely necessary for every person, no matter what he or she wants to achieve in life.
A mind uncultured and uneducated in meditation and concentration fails to understand clearly the benefits or disadvantages of certain surroundings; whereas a meditative mind can at once accommodate and make the best use of any environment in which it is placed. If a need for change should arise, such a mind knows unmistakably the practical, mental and spiritual processes necessary for making it

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