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Friday, July 16, 2010

Vaata-naashak mudra

The Vaata-naashak mudra brings about a reduction of the Vaata humor with in the body.

Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the tips of the index and the middle fingers on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.

Effects: practice of Vaata-naashak mudra pacifies the aggravated Vaat humor. It is, therefore, an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced Vaata constitution (vaata dosha). In fact, they can regularly perform this mudra even to avoid illness. However, people who already have a deficiency of Vaata e.g., mudra in moderation, if at all.

Benefits: Vaata-naashak mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Chronic/easy fatigue,
2. Lack of stamina/endurance,
3. Indecisiveness, impatience, timidity, inexplicable fear, etc.,
4. Poor memory, forgetfulness,
5. Sleeplessness,
6. Intolerance of cold weather/wind,
7. Under weight, emaciation, inexplicable weight loss,
8. All painful conditions e.g. headache, earache, toothache, throat pain
9. Numbness in body-parts,
10. Tremors, shivering,
11. Unsteady gait(talk), Parkinsonism, giddiness, vertigo,
12. Creaking joints, osteo-Arthritis,
13. Cold. Dry, cracked skin, nails, hair,14. Irregular, scantly, painful menses,
15.Hoarseness of voice, stammering,
16. Constipation, flatulence (gas)
17. Scanty urination (oliguria),
18 Scanty sweating,
!9. Disorders caused by an excess of air element within the body (see Vaayu-shaamak mudra).

Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stratch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Vaat-naashak mudra can be performed at anyti me of the day, practicing it any time other than 2.00 to 6.oo am/pm gives better results..

Note : A person desirous o f enhancing or boosting the effects of Vaata-kaarak mudra can combine it with Kapha-kaarak mudra.

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