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Friday, July 16, 2010

Efficacy of mantras

Mantras are the words which are used to awaken the dormant psychic powers in a human being.They are in fact the key to unravel the treasure lying with in us.Our ancient sages had after long research found out that there was a link between the words uttered from the mouth and the feelings of mind and heart.Words,if uttered with feelings,produce a particular vibration in mind and it is this vibration that helps in awakening the hidden powers of the soul.All one yogi has to do is to draw upwards the energy lying dormant and take it to head.The science of mantras is profound.Its practice is indispensable and it leads to illumination.

Sushumna Nadi, the subtle tube passing through the spinal cord,has six centres of energy.one of the centers,Muladhara, is situated at anus;swadhistana,another one,is at the root of generative organs,manipura is corresponding to navel,anahata to heart,Vishuddhi to throat and ajna between eye brows.sahasrara is at the head.It is here that the energy reaches the zenith state.The energy has got to be awakened from anus,passed through the six chakras,and united to the divinity.

Our sages had discovered certain words,each representing a name of God or connected with his prayer,like Om which,when uttered,enabled a person to awaken the sleeping powers corresponding to those centres,as each center had a frequency in which it pulsates.The frequency of the center and nadis that at each canter is represented by letters like Lam,Vam,Ram,Yam,Ham,Om,etc.

They found that the name of God ultimately leads to realization and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.Constand repetition of it fills the mind with pure thoughts.The name imparts divine grace and helps the devotee in many ways.

Repetition of Lord'd name is japa removes obstacles on one's ways and is handy whenever a person is in trouble.Japa can be done with the help of mala which has 108 beads.It is advisable to receive manta from a guru.One can do as many mals of japa as one can.

Japa of Lord's name is one's real wealth.One can have peace of mind only in Him.Yo Val Bhuma Tat sukham. Japa purifies the heart.Set apart some fixed hours for it.Japa is the Rod in the hands of a blind aspirant to plod on the rod to realization.Japa is the philosopher's stone or divine elixir that makes him God-like.

Below are given some of the mantras for japa:Om Namo Nararayanaya(in the praise of lord Vishnu),Om Namah Shivaya(adoring Lord Shiva),

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