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Friday, July 16, 2010

Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra

Popularly known as Praan mudra, this mudra increases the Kapha humor but decreases the Pitta humor with in the body.
Mehtod: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb the ring finger and the little finger,

Effects: This mudra brings about an increase of Kapha humor with in the body. Kapha humor is associated with vitality, stenght and imminity. Practice of Praan mudra increases these qualities. This mudra also reduces Pitta humor, which is associated with bodily heat and metabolism. Thus, this mudra is excellent for people who have an excess of Pitta or a deficiency of kapha in their boides. They can regularly perform thismudra even to avert illness. On the other hand, people with a kapha-excess or Pitta-deficiency should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.

Benefits: Kapha-kaarak (pitta-naahsak) or Praan mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
  1. chronic fatigue, general debility, low endurance,
  2. Impaired immunity (tendency to contract infectious diseases),
  3. Mental tension, anger, irritability, jealousness, pride, impatience, chronic sense of time –urgency,
  4. forgetfulness
  5. Intolerance of heat, stress and noise; ailments which get worse in summer,
  6. Hypertthyroidism (weight –loss despite having good appetite),
  7. Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with ‘it is’),
  8. Sleeplessness; light//disturbed sleep,
  9. High blood pressure, atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing of arteries),
  10. Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach; apthous ulcers, acidity, ulcerative colitis,
  11. Loose, bloody stools, dysentery,
  12. Scanty, burning urination,
  13. Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration,
  14. Excessive, painful menses,
  15. Red-hot joints; Rheumatoid Arthritis; instability of joints,
  16. Burning, red, dry eyes; cataract,
  17. Dry, red, hot, ageing, skin; skin-rashes; urticaria, leprosy,
  18. Dry, sparse, grey hair,
  19. Jaundice,
  20. Premature ageing,
  21. disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements with in the body (see Prithvi-vardhak and jal-vardhak (varun) mudras).

Duration: Weak, debilitated, immunity-compromised people should practice this mudra for a minimum of 45 minutes every day. Either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time : though this mudra can be performed anytime, practicing it between 6.00 to 10.00 am/p.m gives the better results.
Precaution : People who are overweight or who have a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note: A person desirous of boosting or enhancing the effects of Kapha-kaarak (Piita-naashak) mudra should combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra..

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