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Friday, July 16, 2010

Bathing, cleaning of body

It has already been mentioned that the intake of water should be between ten to twelve glasses within a period of 24 hours. Water is equally necessary for cleaning the body. During summer one should bathe twice and in water at least once. This is necessary for maintaining good health.. The human body has millions of hair and their roots lie deeper in the body. At the root of every hair there is a tiny hole which is not visible to the naked eye . The body discards sweat and impurities through these holes and takes in air, water, etc. into the body through them. As these holes are passages to and from the internal cells of the body for perspiration and absorption, they should always remain open and that can be better done by rubbing the whole body thoroughly.

Rubbing of the body during the bath can done in many ways. One can use palm, a sponge or a brush. Some use towel by soaking it in water, applying soap on it and then rubbing the body. It not only opens pores, the upper layer of skin also gets exercised.

While bathing one has to choose good quality soap. The market has been flooded with all sorts of soaps today. Some market has been flooded with all sorts of soaps today. Some have certain chemicals which harm the skin, cause rashes and make the skin dry and rough. Yoga preachers, though not against the use of soap, recommended some substitutes for it.
One of them is gram flour. One has to take a handful of it and make a paste of it with lukewarm water. The paste has to rubbed in the whole body with palms and then body has to be washed with water hot or cold. The paste does not only clean the body, ti invigorates it as gram contains proteins, minerals and vitamins. Gram flour is useful in curing skin diseases like itching, roughness, etc.

One can practice yoga exercise immediately after bath but should not bathe for at least an hour after exercise.

Shampooing hair: Healthy hair reflects the health of an individual. To keep them healthy one has to rub at their roots while bathing. Kneaded flour should be preferred to soap. One has to make a paste of it and put it in thin cloth and tie it up. Then he has to squeeze the paste in water till soft parts get mixed with water only rudiments remain in the cloth. Rudiments are thrown out and the liquid type taste is used for cleaning. . Then the head is washed the water. The hair has got to be dried before using oil.
Dress: tight dresses are not suitable for doing yoga exercises they will not allow free movements of the body . Swimming trunks or shorts for males and shorts and blouses for female suffice.

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