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Friday, July 16, 2010

Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra

Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
The Pitta-kaarak mudra brings about an increase in the pitta humor with in the body. At the same time, it effects a reduction in the Kapha humor within the boyd. It can, therefore, also be called Kapha-naaashak mudra.
Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the ring and the little fingers on the base of the thumb and the bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.

Effects : this mudra increases the pitta humor but decreases the kapha humor with in the body. Pitta is concerned with the bodily heat(digestion /metabolism) and the circulatory system. These entites are stimulated and reinforced by this mudra. This is an excellent mudra for people having a kapha-excess or a pitta-deficiency in their bodies. They can regularly perform this mudra even to prevent illness. However, people who have and excess of pitta(heat) in their bodies should practice it in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Pitta Kaarak (kapha-naashak) mudra can be practiced to overcome the following disorders:
1. Lack of enthusiasm, initiative,
2.. slowness of perception, activities,
3. Low self-esteem,
4 .All problems which get worse in winter (intolerance of cold)
5. Coldness of skin or hair,
6. Oily, greasy skin or hair,
7. Absent or scanty perspiration,
8. Loss o f appetite,9. Indigestion, slow digestion,
!0 . Thirstlessness,
11. Obesity, easy weight-gain,
12. Under activity of the thyroid(hypothyroidism),
13. Oligomenorrhoea(scanty menses),
14. Excessive mucous in the respiratory/digestive tracts causing colds, wet cough, sticky stools, etc.
15. Eye ailments like wearing, stickiness etc.,
16. Disorders caused by an excess of earth and water elements with in the body (see Prithvi-shaamak (surya) and Jal-shaamak mudras)
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch, or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Pitta-kaarak mudra can be performed at anytime of the day, practicing it anytime from 10 am to 2 pm. Gives better results.
Precaution: A person having a pronounced Pitta constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note: A person desirous of enhancing or boosting the effects of Pitta-kaarak mudra can combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra.

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