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Friday, July 16, 2010

Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra

Popularly known as Prithvi mudra, this mudra increases the Prithvi(earth0 element with in the body. At the same time, it decrease the Agni(fire) element. Therfore, it can also be called Agni-shaamak mudra.

Method: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the ring finger and the thumb.

Effects : Prithvi-vardhak mudra increase the Prithvi(earth) element within the body but decrease the Agni(fire) element within the body.

The element earth is a vital component of bodily tissues like bones, cartilagemskinm hair, nails, flesh, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc, Practice of Prithvi-vardhak mudra builds and invigorates these tissues. In other words, this mudra increases the kapha humor within the body. Therefore, this mudra can be used to overcome disorders caused by kapha deficiency. However, it should be practiced in moderation by people who already have and excess of kapha in their bodies.

The element Agni(fire) is concerned with body temperature and metabolism. Since Prithvi-vaardhak(+Agni-shaamak)_ mudra reduces fire, it can be used to pacify an overactive Agni and overcome disorders of Agni-excess like emaciation, fever, inflammation, etc.

The element fire is also a component of bodily humor Pitta.

There fore, Prithvi-vardhak(+Agni-shaamak) mudra is an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced Pitta constitution. They can regularly use this mudra even to avoid illness.

Benefits: Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:

1.Cronic fatigue, general debility, convalescence,

2.Lack of Stamina or endurance,

3. Inexplicable, weight-loss, emaciation,

4.osteoporosis osteomalacia(diminished bone-density, rickets,)

5. Fracture(to expedite union),

6. Degeneration of articular cartilage(Osteo –Arthritis),

7.Weak, atrophied muscles myopahties,

8.Paresis, paralysis, poliomyelitis,

9.dry,cracked, burning ,mature skin,

20.Brittle nails,

!2.hair-los, premature graying of hair,

13.Burning in eyes, stomach(acidity), urine, anus, hands, feet, head,

14.Aphthous ulcers in the mouth,

15.Ulcers in the stomach, intestines,

16. Inflammatory diseases (disease whose names end with ‘it is’),

17 . Jaundice,

18. Fever,

19. Hperthyroidism.

Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).

However, people with kapha deficiency can do it even for longer periods.

Ideal time: though Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be perfomed at anytime of the day, practicing it at any time 6.00 to 10,00 am/pm gives better results.

Precaution : People with a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.

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