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Friday, July 16, 2010

Common illnesses of the mind and people

Nervous problems are more common than all other illnesses combines.They affect people of every age and race,and there seems to be no end to the number of those who are sick because of anxiety,nervous tension,or emotional stress.Nor are the so-called nervous people the only ones affected.Many others with heart disease,high blood pressure,arthritis,and other types of illness are also under great stress and strain because of their physical condition.

Nervous disorders can be roughly divided into two main classes or groups-those arising from neurotic problems,and those related to psychotic or disturbed personalities.People with neurotic problems are more or less normal in their reactions.They may be over-anxious,or perhaps saddened or depressed,but even in their darkest moments they are always in touch with reality.in other words,they are not so different from rest of us,expect that under the pressures of living they tend to go to extremes.as we think of them we might even begin to recognize some of our peculiarities and those of our friends!

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