Every highly complex machine must have a control center-some place where all important decisions are made and where the activities are co-ordinated.For instance,a large jet plane has powerful engines to carry it through the air,and luxurious space for the comfort of the passengers.The plane is also well-equipped with food compartments,so that delicious meals can be served by charming hostesses who are constantly watching over the welfare of all on boars,but while the plane is in flight,there is one spot where all vital decisions are made.You will find it up front where the captain,his copilot,and the navigation officer are hard at work.During a long flight the passengers may relax and rest,but these men are always on duty,day and night,as long as the plane is in the air.
So it is with the human body.We have many important organs,such as the heart,lungs, kidneys,and liver,all hard at work-not to mention those fabulous little endocrine glands,such sa the thyroid,pituitary,adrenals,and many more.All of these are necessary in keeping us alert and healthy.Other parts of our bodies,such as our eyes and ears,are constantly at work keeping us informed of what is going on.Our digestive organs utilize the food and provide us with energy to keep going at out best.Our hands are forever active,doing what we want done,and our legs and feet are busy carrying us wherever we want to go.
Over all this remarkable machine known as the human body we have a most efficient nervous system,consisting of the brain,the spinal cord,and also the autonomic nervous system.This great nerve center is always on the job,ever alert to protect us from danger to guide us in all we do.
Our most important decisions are made in the brain,some of them quite automatically,others only after careful consideration.Here are the centers of memory,reason,intelligence,and understand.What is best ans what is not.Once we lose this ability to think and reason,we are little more than animals.Intelligence and understanding are the chief attributes that set man above the rest os the animal kingdom.
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