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Friday, July 16, 2010

No magic pills

Did you know that if you live to the age of 70,you will probably eat more than 1400 times your own weight in food? This is an enormous figure. In terms of cash it amounts to far more than all your other household bills combined.Every time you sit down to a meal you make an important decision concerning your own future. What you eat, and how you eat it may determine how long you live, and whether you will sick or well.

Many people who could enjoy reasonably good health are suffering from various kinds of illness.Most of them are neither sick nor well.They are just dragging themselves around,half dead most of the time.What a miserable existence! they are not sick enough to go to bed,and not well enough to do their work properly.

In some cases the trouble may be due to some parasite,or some hidden cause of illness.In many others the trouble arises from a faulty diet. Too many people spend their money foolishly,then wonder why they and their children are sick or lacking in vitality.

Poor things! Many of them are looking for some magic pill to help them out of their misery,but this is not the solution.They would be far better health if they would only make a careful study of the laws of health,and apply them in their own lives.What are these principles of good living?Let us start at the beginning.

All forms of life, whether plant or animal,require certain essential food elements in order to live and reproduce their own kind. These food materials must be present in the diet in the right proportion,and must be taken regularly.

Like all the higher animals,the human body is composed of untold millions of living cells.all very much alive,and all carrying out their particular functions.Each cell must be fed and cared for,otherwise it cannot work properly.To be assured of this,we must choose a sensible diet.This is one of our most important decisions in life.The choice is ours.We can blame no one else if we fail to use food sense.It is as simple as that.

So much depends on our making the right choice of food.The human body has been beautifully engineered to operate smoothly without any trouble for many years, provided we treat it well.Not only so,but our amazing bodies also have the power to combat illness,fight disease,and replace worn-out tissues with new living cells.But if we fail to provide the right kinds of food,the body will soon grow old and die.Not even the best of modern pills can help us then!

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