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Friday, July 16, 2010

Greed(a very coomon human trait,easily overstep by practising yoga)

We live in socieconomic set-up where for the whole day one has to work hard at the inhuman speed to physicl and intellecual work.Man has come to believe that to move physiclly and intelectually is to live .The way we move we go on collecting things at material level,knowledge on the intelectual level,and exprience on the sensual and physical level.With every experience and achievement,we build up our egoand create an enclosurearound us.In that enclosure we feel secure and live secluded andisolatedfrom our real self because of the sense of possession.
Greed is a very common human trait.If something benfits an individual he would naturally like to have more of it.In pursuit of anything whether it is name,fame.money,possessing rare antique articles,books paitings,and other worldly goods there is a thin line pursuits like spreading humanitarian ideas,such as usefulness of yoga in everyday life ,one may over step

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