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Friday, July 16, 2010


it is the law of nature that toxins are expelled from body by oxygenation in lungs,perspiration and calls of nature i.e.. urinary & excreta tract.Whenever the natural toxin throwing passages don't work properly various ailments start appearing.largely the diseases can be in three categories.

1.Acute diseases

2.Chronic diseases

3.Degenerative diseases
Acute diseases

As the name indicates such ailments are with acute discomfort/pain e.g high fever.loose motion,dysentery,cold,cough,skin diseases,smallpox,cholera,etc.Such diseases occur in chilldren and adults with low resistance capabilities.They occur to throw toxin from body and last for 3-4 days and some for one to two weels ans as soon as toxins are expelled the ailment subsides.Even if no medicine is taken and food consumption is restricted and regulated, the disease subsides.

In food carbohydrates and proteins should be avoided. consumption of proteins and carbohydrates initiate digestive suppress the disease, but there can be relapse as soon as effect of medicine wears out.
In acute diseases consume only water for 3-4 days and then add sweet fruit juices and vegetable juice/soup. Patient should take complete rest. Do not exercise or perform any yogic postures. As the disease subsides, appetite improves and body is cleaned. A little weakness follows, which improves slowly.

Chronic Diseases

Such diseases continue for long periods, although patient continues to live and work but is in very great pain and suffers continuously. Pain in joints, gout, asthma, diabetes, stone in kidney/gal bladder, urinary infections etc. are included in the list of chronic diseases.

To cure such diseases a patient should fast for a wek consuming only water with lemon and honey and juices of fruits and vegetables . For next three weeks,only fruit and vegetables juices and raw salads be consumed. The vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, carrots and white pumpkin be used for juices. A cup of milk and cheese may be added. After about two months boiled vegetables and about two chapatis can consumed for one meal and the remaining meals should include only juices, cup of milk. The sequence may be repeated till the disease subsides.

While curing the chronic diseases the target is ot the disease but improvement of body resistance systems. Exercise recommended postures, cleaning process and pranayama be performed regularly. This routine will improve the resistance power and immune system. Patients should be advised to relax and stay cheerful.

Degenerative Diseases

When chronic diseases are not cured properly or are suppressed by meditation then degenerative diseases may appear. Such disease start eroding the body e.g cancer, heart ailments, T.B etc.

Degenerative diseases should also be treated by consuming minimum and easily digetable food like recommended for chronic diseases, but for longer duration. The starting by complete fasting, however, is not necessary, and treatment can start with juices and small quantity of milk.

It must be remembered disease is indication that body is trying to expel toxins from the body . Acute diseases when suppressed by medication cause avoid chronic ailments . In case of chronic diseases strength of the defensive systems in body should be improved by using five basic elements earth,air,force and space.

All efforts should be directed to avoid ill health and in case of one falls ill., cleansing process should be initiated. It is better to follow yogic life of eercises, food, cleansing process, clean air & sunlight, rest and stay tension free and cheerful.

Cure of Ailments by Yoga

The practice and yogic postures is not aimed at cure of any specific disease, but suggests comprehensive way of life to stay healthy. How ever attempt is being made to list out common ailments and recommended postures to cure them. Along with exercise and cleaning process suggested foods for specific ailments are also listed below.

When suffering from constipation one should avoid food prepared with fine flour as base and all dishes which involve deep or shallow frying. consume food having roughage like Atta with brawn, whole pulse (not washed), leafy vegetables, salad,guava, papaya,pears, wood apple(Bl) and citrus fruits . Consuming water, kept over night in a copper container, first thing in the morning is specially recommended.
Among exercises, Suryanamaskar, Ardhamatsyendrasan, Makarasna and Pawanamuktasana are very useful.
In cleaning processes kunjal(self induced vomit) and enema may also undertaken.


A patient with piles should consume food suggested for constipation, concentrating on vegetable juice and restraining completely food which can irritate the piles. Apply oil on piles with help of finger inserted inside the rectum.
Paschimottanasana, Yog Mudra, Gorakshasan, Makarasana, Sarvangaasana and Agnisar Pranayama can be very useful.

Gastric Trouble
Eat easily digestable food by chewing each mouthful properly. Leafy vegetables like palak, bathua and Methi be made in to paste and added to dough for chapti and kept for 8-10 hours before cooking. Eat dry chapatis lwithout consuming any water with it. Take warm water after about half an hour . At night take only milk and fruits .
Pashimottanasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, Vajrasana, Suptavajrasana, Makarasana, Pawanamuktasana, Halasana, Uddiuanabandh and Agnisar pranayama are very useful postures. Nauli and Kunjal performed at regular interval can also be useful. Obesity

While bathing scrub the body for 10-15 minutes with small and slightly rough towel. At night patting with palm, closed fist and dry massage will activated the fat cells. In the food reduce quantity of carbohydrates and proteins and add fruits, vegetables, juices and fat free milk or curd.

Suryanamaskar, Naoasana, Suptavajrasana, Sarpasana, Mayurasana, Uttanpadasana, Paschimottanasana, Makarasana, Halasana, Uddiyanabandh and Agnisar pranayama are useful postures.

Seminal Disorders

Massage, sun-bath, scrubbing the body while bathing . Eat light and limited food and add milk, curd, cheese and fruits. Milk should be sweetened with dates in place of sugar.

Paschimottanasana, Gorakshasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Suptavajrasana, Dhanurasana, halasana, Sarvangasana and Uddiyanabandh. Nadishodhan pranayama and retention of the breath after inhaling are recommended exercises.


Brawn added atta for Chapatis, methi, Karela and palak, vegetable salad, jamun and fruit juices can control the diabetes. Two three flowers of Sadabahar is useful preventive method.
Pashimottanasana, makarasana, Uddiyanabandh, yog mudra, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Suptavajrasana,Uttandpadasana, Mayurasana and Nadishodhana pranayama are helpful postures.
Ear , Nose and Throat

Lime and honey in warm water. Tea made of ginger, green cardamom and pepper and light food is suggested.
Ushtrasana, bhujangasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana, Matysyasana, Jalnetim Sutraneti and kunjal followed by bhastrika, Bhramri and Ujjai pranayama will give good results.

Liver diseases
Food should be without any fat and have vegetable and fruit juices with honey and lime juice with honey will also be helpful.
Kamarchakrasana, Pashimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Yogmudra and halasana among yogic postures, kunjal as clearing process and Sheetli as well as Uddiyanabandh as breathing exercise will be helpful. Perform Yogmudra 8-10 times daily.

Asthma&Lungs Diseases

It is common belief that asthma is a lifelong disease.A strict vigilance of diet is very necessary for an asthamic to lead normal life.

One or two chapaties having brawn and leafy vegetable,boiled vegetables and salad should form the meal.Take lime warm water with honey,soaked raisins.tea of cardamom,ginger#pepper or tulsi leaves and may also replace etc..

Among asanas perform suptavajrasana,Ushtrasana,Bhujangasana,shalabhasana,Makarasana,Jalneti,sutraneti&kunjal should be done every day. Kapalbhati& Bhastrika are recommend pranayamas.

High Blood Pressure

Salt and spicy especially chilly based food is to be completely stopped.Patient should try to stay on juices,soups and fruits,fat free milk,curd&cheese.Food should by light minimum possible.

Kamarchakrasana,Vajrasana,Suptavajrasana,sarpasana,Bhujanagasana,Shalabhasana,Uttanpad asana,Makarasana&Pawanamuktasana,Should be performed and when proficiency is reached add sarvangasana as well.Kapalbhati,Nadisodhan(with out retention)Pranayamas will be useful.Practice shavasana for 10 minutes couple of times everyday.

Low Blood Pressure

Warm lime water&honey,soaked alminds&raisins,milk,cheese,fruits,salad shiuld form part of light food.In addition to Suryanamaskar all asanas,mentiones for high blood presure,should be performed.


To clean the internal passages perfom kunjal and fast by consuming small quantities of fruits&milk.

Paschimottanasana,Tadasana,Bhajangasana,Halasana,Sarvangasana,Shavasana,Kapalbhati&nadishodhan pranayama will be helpful.

Dislodged Navel

Dry Chapati, curd,boiled vegetable,khichari,apple&bannana should be consumed.

tadasana,Vajrasana,Suptavajrasana,Ushtrasana,Uttanapadasana,Dhanurasana,Matyasana, followed by Uddiyanabandh will be very useful.

Cervical Spondylitis

Take light food,avoid gaseous food and include fruits in diet.

Suptavjrasana,ushtrasana,bhujangasana,shanurasana, uttanapadasana,tadasana,makarasana&matyasana followed by shavasana,Nadishodhan&kapalbhati pranayama is recommended perform Bhujangasana 8-10 times daily


Never overeat.constipation condition should be avoided.Keep the bowel clean.Food should include vegetables,fruits,but avoid gas producing food.

Paschitmottanasana,Yogamudra,Ardhamatyaendrasana,Suptavajrasana,Uttanpadasana,Pawanamuktasana,Halasana&Sarvanasana to be performed,Avoid other postures.

Heart Diseases

Take vegetable&fruit juice,lime juice and hiney in fresh or warm water.Try to sustain on vegetable/gram soup&skimmed milk for as many days as pissible.Take light food and in small quantities every 3-4 hours.Chapati with brawn and leafy vegetanles and vegetables can be addes after sometimes.

Start with light exercise like walk at slow pace short duration.Add Kamarchakrasana,Vajrasana,Bhujanagasana,Shalabhasana,Uttanapadasana,Makarasana and pawanamujtasana.Keep your capacity in mind .Take rest Nadishodhan pranayma should be done,without retention,and as per individual capacity.

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