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Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Yogi
"The yogi who has cleansed himself,has gained mastery over his mind and all his senses,who has become one with the atman in all creation,although he acts he remains unaffected.
He who is established in yoga soon attains the Brahman.Anyone who successfully follows karma yoga becomes established in yoga.He who has become pure,he whose evil impulses have all been burnt away and become reduced to a burnt thread in which only the twists of the original material are visible,will act mechanically in everything he does.That of course does not mean that he pays no attention to what he is doing;it only meas that he has no egoistic feeling that he draws out will be as straight as that drawn by a machine.An unthinking person worked mechanically and the Lord's servant,too,does merely what he is asked to do.But he does not work for payment and,therefore,his work shines out,where as the hired laborer's work does not shie out as he works for money.No supervisor is required to keep watch over a Lord's servant at worl.Outwardly,he seems dull,but inwardly he ever lives in the Brahman.He will have all the vitues of a machine and none of its defects.Besides,the man who lives in the atman,who has subdued the demons in him and mastered the senses;who sees himself in all creatures and all creatures in himself,will make no distinction between relations and others.He will ever live as a servant of all, and will partake only of what remains after others have had their share.Of such a person it can be said,Kurvannapi na lipyate,that he works,but is not bound by effects by of karma
He who is established in yoga soon attains the Brahman.Anyone who successfully follows karma yoga becomes established in yoga.He who has become pure,he whose evil impulses have all been burnt away and become reduced to a burnt thread in which only the twists of the original material are visible,will act mechanically in everything he does.That of course does not mean that he pays no attention to what he is doing;it only meas that he has no egoistic feeling that he draws out will be as straight as that drawn by a machine.An unthinking person worked mechanically and the Lord's servant,too,does merely what he is asked to do.But he does not work for payment and,therefore,his work shines out,where as the hired laborer's work does not shie out as he works for money.No supervisor is required to keep watch over a Lord's servant at worl.Outwardly,he seems dull,but inwardly he ever lives in the Brahman.He will have all the vitues of a machine and none of its defects.Besides,the man who lives in the atman,who has subdued the demons in him and mastered the senses;who sees himself in all creatures and all creatures in himself,will make no distinction between relations and others.He will ever live as a servant of all, and will partake only of what remains after others have had their share.Of such a person it can be said,Kurvannapi na lipyate,that he works,but is not bound by effects by of karma
Friday, July 16, 2010
Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Populrarly known as Vaayu mudra, htis mudra decreases the vaayu (air) element within the body.
Mehtod:This mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the index finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger.This amounts to suppresssion of element air (residing the first finger) by element fire(residing in the thumb).
Effects: vaayu-shaamak mudra decreases the air element with in the body. This reduction of air-
- Sedates restless and anxious mind,
- calms overcharged nervous system,
- Pacifies overactive endocrine glands,
- relaxes tense or spastic muscles,
- soothes strained voice,
- allows rehydration of skin and articular cartilage.
The element air is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The decrease of air in the body due to Vaayu-shaamak mudra pacifies the (aggravated) Vaata. Therfore, this mudra is especially suitable for people of Vaata constitution(vaata dosha). They can regularly use this mudra even to avoid illnes.
Benifits: Vaayu-shaamak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
- Stress, anxiety, irritability, lack of concentration, timidity, indecisiveness, impatience ,restlessness,
- Sleepness, epileptic fits(conulsions),giddiness, Parkinson's diseases, chorea, tremors, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia, etc.
- Hormonla imbalances caused by overactivty of endocrine glands,
- Twitching of eye-lids, nystagmus (constant involuntary eye-movements),
- tinnitus(noises in the ears), vertigo, dizziness,
- Breathlessness, tachycardia(fast heart beats), palpitations,
- Hiccups,
- Muscle-spam, muscle-cramps, muscular rigidity,
- Crackling joints(Osteo-Arthritis), gout,
- dry,rough skin/hair, brittle nails,
- Constipation, fatulence(gas formation).
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day)
Ideal time: Though Vaayu-vardhak or gyaan mudra can be performed at any time of the day, practising it at any time between 2.00 to 6.00 am/pm gives better results.
Precaution: Many experienced doctors say that the practise of this mudra should be discontinuedas soon as the disease has been overcome
Popularly known as Gyaan mudra this mudra increases the vaayu(air) element within the body.
Mehtod: This mudra is formed by joining together, the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb
Effects: Vaayu-vardhak mudra increase the vaayu (air) element with in the body. thus reinforced the air
- empowers the mind , causing a positive effect on emotions and leading to enlightenment,
- empowers the nervous system(including the brain)
- facilitates movements of electrical impluses alnog nerves,
- empowers the pituitary gland and thereby, the entire system of endocrine glands,
- empowers muscles, both voluntary and involuntary,
- empowers the vocal cords and the voice,
- empowers the heart, increasing its efficiencey,
- renders the skin and mucous membranes dry,
- renders the joins and articular cartilage dry.
The elemnet Air is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The increase of air in the body due to Vaayu-vardhak mudra reinforces the Vaata humor. therefore, this mudra is an excellent mudra to overcome vaata-deficiency. How ever, it should be practised in moderation by people who already have a Vaata constitution(i.e, and excess of vaata in their bodies).
Benifits :
Vaay-vardhak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
- Dullness of mind, lack of enthusiasm-inititaive creativity, recklessness, loss of memory,
- Drosiness, lethargy, mental retardation,
- Disorders of the nervous system like cerebral palsy, neuritis, neuropathies, Alzheimer's disease, Tabes dorsalis, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Ataxias, Dementias, Syringomyelia, etc,
- Degeneration of the retina, optic atropy,
- endrocine (hormonal) disorders like hypopituitarism (causing dwarfism, Simmond's disease. Frohlick's syndrome), Hypothyroidism(causing cretinism, Myxoedema), Hypoparathyroidism, Hypoadrenalism(causing Addison's disease), diabetes, hypogonadism, etc.
- Muscular disorders like myopathies, myesthenia gravis, paresis, paralysis(viz paralytic squint, ptosis, facail palsy, vocal paralysis, respiratory paralysis, monoplegia, paraplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, etc.)
- Lost or feeble voice,
- Bradycardia(Slow heart beats), weakness or gradual failure of the heart,
- formation of excessive mucous in repiratory and or digestive tracts,
- effusion in joints.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day)
Ideal time: Though Vaayu-vardhak or gyaan mudra can be performed at any time of the day, practising it at any time between 2.00 to 6.00 am/pm gives better results.
Precaution : People with a pronounced Vaata prakruti (constitution) should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Popularly known as Aakaash mudra this mudra increases the (inactive) Aakaash(ehter or space) element with in the body.
Method: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and middle finger.
Effects: Aakaash-vardhak mudra increases the aakash(space0 element with in the body. Since the space within the body is a part of the outer space (aakaash or cosmos), practise of the mudra enables the individual(aatmaa) to reunite with the collective consciousness(Paramaatmaa or God). Negative emotions like fear, anger,sorrow, etc. are replaced by positive emotions and thoughts.
The above- mentioned increase in internal space is effected by the elimination of metabolic wastes from the body. Thus Aakaash-vardhak mudra is a detoxifying mudra.
The increased internal space enables the rest of the four bodily elements:vaayu(air), agni(fire), jal(water) and prtihvi (earth) to increase , affording them a room to act. Thus , Aakaash-vardhak mudra can be beneficially combined wiht mudras that increase the other four elements(i.e, Vaayu-vardhak mudra, Prithvi vardhak mudra, Agni-vardhak mudra and jal-vardhak mudra).
In general, Aakaash-vardhak mudra is an excellent mudra that stimulates noble thoughts and helps the practioner to take rapid strides along the path to moksha(salvation).It also helps a person who wishes to scale great heigths in the art of meditation.
The element Aakaash is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. Therfore, Aakaash-vardhak mudra reinforces the Vaata humor of the body. It should be djone in moderation by people of Vaata constitution.
Benfits: Practice of Aakaash-vardhak mudra helps -
- to develop noble, elevated thoughts,
- to develop intuiton and extra sensory powers(ESP),
- to detoxify the body by the elimination of metabolic wastes(thorugh exhaled air, Sweat, urine and stools),
- to overcome a feeling of fullness/heaviness in the body or body-parts,
- to overcome discomfort caused by over-eating
- to relieve congestion (and pain) in the head (due to migraine or sinusitis), ear/s (due to infection) , chest (due to infection/asthma), etc.
- Hight blood pressure, irregular heart-beats, angina pectoris, etc.
Ideal time: Though Aakaash-vardhak or gyaan mudra can be performed at any time of the day, practising it at any time between 2.00 to 6.00 am/pm gives better results.
Precaution: People with a pronounced Vaata prakruti(constitution) should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Popularly known as shoonya mudra, this mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body .
Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the middle finger on base of the thumb and tehn bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. The amounts to suppression of element space(residing in the middle finger) by element fire(residng in the thumb).
Effects: aakaash-shaamak mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body. It can, therefore, be used to treat disorders (enlisted below) caused by an abnormal increase of space within the body. The element space is associated with ears.
Therefore Aakaash-shaamak mudra helps certain ear disorders. In fact, it is an almost fail proof remedy for ear-pain.
The decreased internal space restricts the rest of the four bodily elements i.e, vaayu(air), agni(fire), jal(water) and pirthvi(earth). Therfore, aakaash-shaamak mudra can be beneficially combined with Vaayu-shamaak, Agni-shammak, Pritvi-shammak and jal-shammak mudras.
The element aakaash is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The decrease of space in the body form the practice of Aakaash-shammak mudra pacifies the (aggravated) Vaata. Therfore, this mudra is especially suitable for people having a pronounced Vaata constitution (Vaata dosha).
Benefits: Aakash-shamak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
1. Feeling of emptiness or numbers in the body or body parts like the head, the chest, the abdomen, etc.,
2. Ear ailments like pain, tinnitus(noises), vertigo and acquired deafness.
duration: In case of acute ear-pain, incapacitating vertigo or severe numbness, perform this mudra continuously till the disorder subsides. For chronic ear ailments or numness perform this mudra for 45 minutes either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e., for 15 minutes thrice a day).
Ideal time: for chronic disease, this mudra should, if possible be performed at anytime other than 2.00 to 6.00 am/pmgives better results.
Precaution : Experienced doctors believe that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Popularly known as Prithvi mudra, this mudra increases the Prithvi(earth0 element with in the body. At the same time, it decrease the Agni(fire) element. Therfore, it can also be called Agni-shaamak mudra.
Method: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the ring finger and the thumb.
Effects : Prithvi-vardhak mudra increase the Prithvi(earth) element within the body but decrease the Agni(fire) element within the body.
The element earth is a vital component of bodily tissues like bones, cartilagemskinm hair, nails, flesh, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc, Practice of Prithvi-vardhak mudra builds and invigorates these tissues. In other words, this mudra increases the kapha humor within the body. Therefore, this mudra can be used to overcome disorders caused by kapha deficiency. However, it should be practiced in moderation by people who already have and excess of kapha in their bodies.
The element Agni(fire) is concerned with body temperature and metabolism. Since Prithvi-vaardhak(+Agni-shaamak)_ mudra reduces fire, it can be used to pacify an overactive Agni and overcome disorders of Agni-excess like emaciation, fever, inflammation, etc.
The element fire is also a component of bodily humor Pitta.
There fore, Prithvi-vardhak(+Agni-shaamak) mudra is an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced Pitta constitution. They can regularly use this mudra even to avoid illness.
Benefits: Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
1.Cronic fatigue, general debility, convalescence,
2.Lack of Stamina or endurance,
3. Inexplicable, weight-loss, emaciation,
4.osteoporosis osteomalacia(diminished bone-density, rickets,)
5. Fracture(to expedite union),
6. Degeneration of articular cartilage(Osteo –Arthritis),
7.Weak, atrophied muscles myopahties,
8.Paresis, paralysis, poliomyelitis,
9.dry,cracked, burning ,mature skin,
20.Brittle nails,
!2.hair-los, premature graying of hair,
13.Burning in eyes, stomach(acidity), urine, anus, hands, feet, head,
14.Aphthous ulcers in the mouth,
15.Ulcers in the stomach, intestines,
16. Inflammatory diseases (disease whose names end with ‘it is’),
17 . Jaundice,
18. Fever,
19. Hperthyroidism.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
However, people with kapha deficiency can do it even for longer periods.
Ideal time: though Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be perfomed at anytime of the day, practicing it at any time 6.00 to 10,00 am/pm gives better results.
Precaution : People with a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Popularly known as Surya mudra this mudra increases the Agni(fire) elemnt within the body. It can, therofre, be called Agni-vardhak mudra, too. At the same time, this mudra decreases the Prithvi(earth) element with in the body.
Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. This amounts to suppression of element earth (residing in the ring finger) by element fire (residing in the thumb). The earth element thus suppressed, fire is able to rage unopposed.
Effect: Prithvi-shaamak or Agni-vardhak mudra increases th eAgni(fire) element within the body but subdues the Prithvi(earth) element.
The element Agni (fire) is associated with body temperature an dmatbolism. Practice of Pritvi-shaamak or Surya mudra helps to maintain the body-temperature and keeps the metabolism going.
The elemnt agni is also connected with vision. Hence, regular practice of surya mudra helps to strengthen weak eyes and improve vision.
Agni is also a component of bodily humor Pitta. Ptactice of Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra increases the Pitta humor with n the body. Therefore, this mudra can be used to overcome disorders caused by Pitta deficiency. However, it should be used only in moderation by people having an excess of Pitta.
Prithvi-shaamak mudra decreases the element Prithvi(earth) who in the body. It is, therofre, excellent for people having an excess of element Prithvi on their bodies .
The element earth is also a component of bodily humor kapha. Therefore , Prithvi-shaamak mudra is an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced kapha constitution. They can regularly practice this mudra even to prevent illness.
Benfits: Prtivi-shaamak (Agni-vardhak; Surya) mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
1. Abnormally low body-temperature,
2. Coldness of skin, body, limbs, hands, feet, etc.
3. Intolerance to cold, shivering,
4. Under activity of the thyroid gland causing slow metabolism,
5. Obesity, progressive weight-gain,
6. Loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation,
7. absence of sweating,
8. Ceratin vison/eye problems, especially cataract.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Prithvi-vardhak mudra can be performed at anytime of the day, practicing it at any time 6.00 to 10,00 am/pm gives better results.
Precaution: over performance of this mudra may cause undue heating of the body.
Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Popularly known as Varun mudra, this mudra increases the Jal(water) element with in the body.
Method: this mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and the little finger.
Effects: Jal-vardhak(varun) mudra increases the Jal (water) element with in the body.
Almost seventy percent of the body is water. Thus water is the most abundant element in the body, being present in the protoplasm of cells, extra-cellular fluid, ,lymph, blood, tears saliva, mucous, digestive juices, enzymes, hormones, semen cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) etc.
A deficiency of water in the body would result in dehydration of tissues. Performance of ajl-vardhak mudra increase the water content of the body by suitably affecting the water-matabolism. Thus , it helps to rehydrate cells, tissues, muscles, skin, joint-cartialge, etc.
The element water is also associated with tongue and taste. Tehrfore , this mudra can be used to overcome disorders like loss of taste –sense,, dryness of mouth, etc.
Water is also a component of two bodily humors: Pitta and Kapha . Practice of Jal-vardhak mudra increases these humors. People with a promounce Pitta+Kapha constitution shuld perform this mudra in moderation. On the other hand, people with a Vaata constitution(dosha) can derive immense benefits form the practice of this mudra.
Benefits: jal-vardhak (varun) mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders :
- Dryness of eyes,
- Dryness of the digestive tract(mouth, throat and intestines),
- Indigestion
- 4constipation,
- Dryness of the skin leading to cracks, dry eczema, psoriasis, etc.,
- Degeneration of joint-cartilage, Osteo-Arthritis
- Anaemia,
- cramps, dehydration,
- deficiency of hormones,
- scanty urination(oliguria),
- Scanty semen(oligospermia),
- scanty menses (oligomenorrhoea),
- Loss of taste sensation tongue-disorders,
- disorders of vatta-exces (see (vaayu-shaamak mudra)
Ideal time: None
Precaution: people having water-retention in their bodies or people with a Pitta +Kapha constitution should perform this mudra moderately, if at all
Jal-shaamak mudra
Jal-shaamak mudra brings about a reduction of the jal(water) element with in the body.
Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the little finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger, this amounts to suppression of element water(residing in the little finger) by element fire( residing in the thumb).
Effects: Jal-shaamak mudra reduces the water-content of the body by suitable affecting the water-metabolism. It can, therefore , be used to overcome water-loggging with in the body.
Water is also a component of the two bodily humors: Pittta and Kapha. Practice of jal-shaamak mudra brings about a reduction of these humors. People with a pronounce Pitta+ Kapha constitution can immensely benefit by the practice of this mudra. Such people can regularly practice this mudra even to prevent illness.
Benefits: Jal-shaamk mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
2. Ascitis, dropsy,
3. Excessive salivation,
4. Watery eyes
5. Running nose,
6. Hyperacidity,
7. Diarrhoea (loose motions),
8. Pleural effusion
9. Excess of hormones,
10. Excessive Effusion a joint,
11. Excessive menses(menorrhagia),
12 .Hydrocele,
13. hydrocephalous,
14. Hydronephrosis,
15. Cold and clamy body/hands /feet,
16. Disorders of Vaata deficiency (see Vaayu-vardhak mudra).
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes , thrice a day).
Ideal time: None
Precautions: Experienced doctors say that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.
Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Also called Vaata or Vaayan mudra, this mudra increases the Vaata humor wihin the body.![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgiGIs3yBa6FBhAzlihtecOQaKql5GBKXvb8RwKxD7hn0M2LJg4YBhjBLNFEw9jFZKTihRGot17ATHqXixKGxhDFTttV5L4ATmS6CdCCjjJFUeHQLa8VIUr5q3bKSq7j3Hgq480O2Tf02jx/s400/DSC00410.JPG)
Method: this mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger.
Effects : the Vaata humor controls the nervous system which, in turn, is responsible ofr various bodily movements : External as well as internal. Pracitce of Vaata-kaarak mudra increases the Vaata humor within the body, therby boosting the nerve force and the vital power. In othe words this is an excellent mudra for people having a Vaata deficie ncy. Infact , such people can practice thismudra even as a preventive i.e, to avert illness. However, this mudra should be done in moderation by people who have Vaat Excess (Vaata dosha or Vaata constitution).
Benefits: Vaat-kaarak mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Nervous exhaustion, nervous break down,
2. Lack of inittiave/enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts/perception,
3. Lethargy, laziness, general debility,
4. Drowsiness, excessive sleep,
5. Intolerance of heat; sunstroke,
6. Excessive thirst,
7. Excessive sweating,
8. Frequent, profuse urination,
9. loss of appetite,
10. Fatness,
11. 11. loose motions,12. Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding),
13. Greasy skin, hair,
14. Disorders caused by a deficiency of air elemnt with n the body (see vaayu-vardhak mudra).
Also called Vaata or Vaayan mudra, this mudra increases the Vaata humor wihin the body.
Method: this mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger.
Effects : the Vaata humor controls the nervous system which, in turn, is responsible ofr various bodily movements : External as well as internal. Pracitce of Vaata-kaarak mudra increases the Vaata humor within the body, therby boosting the nerve force and the vital power. In othe words this is an excellent mudra for people having a Vaata deficie ncy. Infact , such people can practice thismudra even as a preventive i.e, to avert illness. However, this mudra should be done in moderation by people who have Vaat Excess (Vaata dosha or Vaata constitution).
Benefits: Vaat-kaarak mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Nervous exhaustion, nervous break down,
2. Lack of inittiave/enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts/perception,
3. Lethargy, laziness, general debility,
4. Drowsiness, excessive sleep,
5. Intolerance of heat; sunstroke,
6. Excessive thirst,
7. Excessive sweating,
8. Frequent, profuse urination,
9. loss of appetite,
10. Fatness,
11. 11. loose motions,12. Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding),
13. Greasy skin, hair,
14. Disorders caused by a deficiency of air elemnt with n the body (see vaayu-vardhak mudra).
Duration: 45 minutes every every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts (i.e, 15 minutes, and thrice a day).
Ideal time : though Vaata-kaarak mudra can be performed at anytime of the day, practicing it at anytime from 2.oo to 6..00 am/p.m gives beeter results .
Precaution : people with a pronounced Vaata constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note : A person desirous o f enhancing or boosting the effects of Vaata-kaarak mudra can combine it with Kapha-naashak mudra.
Vaata-naashak mudra
The Vaata-naashak mudra brings about a reduction of the Vaata humor with in the body.
Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the tips of the index and the middle fingers on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.
Effects: practice of Vaata-naashak mudra pacifies the aggravated Vaat humor. It is, therefore, an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced Vaata constitution (vaata dosha). In fact, they can regularly perform this mudra even to avoid illness. However, people who already have a deficiency of Vaata e.g., mudra in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Vaata-naashak mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Chronic/easy fatigue,
2. Lack of stamina/endurance,
3. Indecisiveness, impatience, timidity, inexplicable fear, etc.,
4. Poor memory, forgetfulness,
5. Sleeplessness,
6. Intolerance of cold weather/wind,
7. Under weight, emaciation, inexplicable weight loss,
8. All painful conditions e.g. headache, earache, toothache, throat pain
9. Numbness in body-parts,
10. Tremors, shivering,
11. Unsteady gait(talk), Parkinsonism, giddiness, vertigo,
12. Creaking joints, osteo-Arthritis,
13. Cold. Dry, cracked skin, nails, hair,14. Irregular, scantly, painful menses,
15.Hoarseness of voice, stammering,
16. Constipation, flatulence (gas)
17. Scanty urination (oliguria),
18 Scanty sweating,
!9. Disorders caused by an excess of air element within the body (see Vaayu-shaamak mudra).
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stratch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Vaat-naashak mudra can be performed at anyti me of the day, practicing it any time other than 2.00 to 6.oo am/pm gives better results..
Note : A person desirous o f enhancing or boosting the effects of Vaata-kaarak mudra can combine it with Kapha-kaarak mudra.
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Popularly known as Praan mudra, this
mudra increases the Kapha humor but decreases the Pitta humor with in the body.
Mehtod: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb the ring finger and the little finger,
Effects: This mudra brings about an increase of Kapha humor with in the body. Kapha humor is associated with vitality, stenght and imminity. Practice of Praan mudra increases these qualities. This mudra also reduces Pitta humor, which is associated with bodily heat and metabolism. Thus, this mudra is excellent for people who have an excess of Pitta or a deficiency of kapha in their boides. They can regularly perform thismudra even to avert illness. On the other hand, people with a kapha-excess or Pitta-deficiency should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Kapha-kaarak (pitta-naahsak) or Praan mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
Duration: Weak, debilitated, immunity-compromised people should practice this mudra for a minimum of 45 minutes every day. Either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time : though this mudra can be performed anytime, practicing it between 6.00 to 10.00 am/p.m gives the better results.
Precaution : People who are overweight or who have a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3UBIPpMEewqebWNXF-ok78jC-GO9YFCQq09n0tJvUZBsJLDrulnqv_Myc0eAO-QkavRRS0wq4q8ffUmpja-c8daOeUBnIMIaQolBKlLydoPbL8FzhqvdUbY4-gz9JIrtdArHi5InZopcP/s400/DSC00417.JPG)
Note: A person desirous of boosting or enhancing the effects of Kapha-kaarak (Piita-naashak) mudra should combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra..
Mehtod: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb the ring finger and the little finger,
Effects: This mudra brings about an increase of Kapha humor with in the body. Kapha humor is associated with vitality, stenght and imminity. Practice of Praan mudra increases these qualities. This mudra also reduces Pitta humor, which is associated with bodily heat and metabolism. Thus, this mudra is excellent for people who have an excess of Pitta or a deficiency of kapha in their boides. They can regularly perform thismudra even to avert illness. On the other hand, people with a kapha-excess or Pitta-deficiency should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Kapha-kaarak (pitta-naahsak) or Praan mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
- chronic fatigue, general debility, low endurance,
- Impaired immunity (tendency to contract infectious diseases),
- Mental tension, anger, irritability, jealousness, pride, impatience, chronic sense of time –urgency,
- forgetfulness
- Intolerance of heat, stress and noise; ailments which get worse in summer,
- Hypertthyroidism (weight –loss despite having good appetite),
- Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with ‘it is’),
- Sleeplessness; light//disturbed sleep,
- High blood pressure, atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing of arteries),
- Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach; apthous ulcers, acidity, ulcerative colitis,
- Loose, bloody stools, dysentery,
- Scanty, burning urination,
- Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration,
- Excessive, painful menses,
- Red-hot joints; Rheumatoid Arthritis; instability of joints,
- Burning, red, dry eyes; cataract,
- Dry, red, hot, ageing, skin; skin-rashes; urticaria, leprosy,
- Dry, sparse, grey hair,
- Jaundice,
- Premature ageing,
- disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements with in the body (see Prithvi-vardhak and jal-vardhak (varun) mudras).
Duration: Weak, debilitated, immunity-compromised people should practice this mudra for a minimum of 45 minutes every day. Either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time : though this mudra can be performed anytime, practicing it between 6.00 to 10.00 am/p.m gives the better results.
Precaution : People who are overweight or who have a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note: A person desirous of boosting or enhancing the effects of Kapha-kaarak (Piita-naashak) mudra should combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra..
vatta + pitta nashka mudra
This mudra helps to overcome any ailment of a person having a Vaat+Pitta mix constitution,
Method: This mudra is formed by
Placing the index finger on the base of the thumb and
Joining together the tips of the thumb and the ring finger.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stratch or in three parts(i.e, ofr 115 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: people with a pronounced kapha constitution should practice this mudra in moderation if at all.
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
The Pitta-kaarak mudra brings about an increase in the pitta humor with in the body. At the same time, it effects a reduction in the Kapha humor within the boyd.
It can, therefore, also be called Kapha-naaashak mudra.
Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the ring and the little fingers on the base of the thumb and the bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.
Effects : this mudra increases the pitta humor but decreases the kapha humor with in the body. Pitta is concerned with the bodily heat(digestion /metabolism) and the circulatory system. These entites are stimulated and reinforced by this mudra. This is an excellent mudra for people having a kapha-excess or a pitta-deficiency in their bodies. They can regularly perform this mudra even to prevent illness. However, people who have and excess of pitta(heat) in their bodies should practice it in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Pitta Kaarak (kapha-naashak) mudra can be practiced to overcome the following disorders:
1. Lack of enthusiasm, initiative,
2.. slowness of perception, activities,
3. Low self-esteem,
4 .All problems which get worse in winter (intolerance of cold)
5. Coldness of skin or hair,
6. Oily, greasy skin or hair,
7. Absent or scanty perspiration,
8. Loss o f appetite,9. Indigestion, slow digestion,
!0 . Thirstlessness,
11. Obesity, easy weight-gain,
12. Under activity of the thyroid(hypothyroidism),
13. Oligomenorrhoea(scanty menses),
14. Excessive mucous in the respiratory/digestive tracts causing colds, wet cough, sticky stools, etc.
15. Eye ailments like wearing, stickiness etc.,
16. Disorders caused by an excess of earth and water elements with in the body (see Prithvi-shaamak (surya) and Jal-shaamak mudras)
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch, or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Pitta-kaarak mudra can be performed at anytime of the day, practicing it anytime from 10 am to 2 pm. Gives better results.
Precaution: A person having a pronounced Pitta constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note: A person desirous of enhancing or boosting the effects of Pitta-kaarak mudra can combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra.
The Pitta-kaarak mudra brings about an increase in the pitta humor with in the body. At the same time, it effects a reduction in the Kapha humor within the boyd.
Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the ring and the little fingers on the base of the thumb and the bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.
Effects : this mudra increases the pitta humor but decreases the kapha humor with in the body. Pitta is concerned with the bodily heat(digestion /metabolism) and the circulatory system. These entites are stimulated and reinforced by this mudra. This is an excellent mudra for people having a kapha-excess or a pitta-deficiency in their bodies. They can regularly perform this mudra even to prevent illness. However, people who have and excess of pitta(heat) in their bodies should practice it in moderation, if at all.
Benefits: Pitta Kaarak (kapha-naashak) mudra can be practiced to overcome the following disorders:
1. Lack of enthusiasm, initiative,
2.. slowness of perception, activities,
3. Low self-esteem,
4 .All problems which get worse in winter (intolerance of cold)
5. Coldness of skin or hair,
6. Oily, greasy skin or hair,
7. Absent or scanty perspiration,
8. Loss o f appetite,9. Indigestion, slow digestion,
!0 . Thirstlessness,
11. Obesity, easy weight-gain,
12. Under activity of the thyroid(hypothyroidism),
13. Oligomenorrhoea(scanty menses),
14. Excessive mucous in the respiratory/digestive tracts causing colds, wet cough, sticky stools, etc.
15. Eye ailments like wearing, stickiness etc.,
16. Disorders caused by an excess of earth and water elements with in the body (see Prithvi-shaamak (surya) and Jal-shaamak mudras)
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch, or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Pitta-kaarak mudra can be performed at anytime of the day, practicing it anytime from 10 am to 2 pm. Gives better results.
Precaution: A person having a pronounced Pitta constitution should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.
Note: A person desirous of enhancing or boosting the effects of Pitta-kaarak mudra can combine it with Vaata-naashak mudra.
Vaata+ kapha nashak mudra
This mudra helps to overcome any ailment of a person having a Vaata+Kapha mix constitution.
Method: this mudra I sformed by applying the tips of the index and the ring fingers to the base of the thumb.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: People with a pronounced Pitta constitution should practice this mudra in moderation if at all.
Tridosha-naashak ‘Surabhi’ mudra
Also known as the Kaamadhenu mudra, this mudra balances and oc-ordinates the five elements and the three humors of the body. While the effects of this mudra are similar to those of the Samaan mudra it si much mor difficult ot perform.
Surabhi means a cow. In fact Kaamadhenu is a mythological, heavenly cow which is believed to fulfill all wishes .By regularly performing this mudra, the practitioner can succeeded in realizing all his dreams and fulfilling all his wishes!
Method: This mudra is formed by joining
The tip of ring finger of each hand to the tip of little finger of the other and
The tip of index finger of each hand to the tip of middle of the other. The two thumbs lie side by side, touching each other. This forms a figure that resembles the four udders of a cow.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, every day, either at one stretch or in three parts (i.e., for 15 minutes thrice a day)
Precaution: None
Apaan mudra
The Apaan mudra is an extremely important and useful mudra that first detoxifies (and, therefore, purifies) the body and the energizes it.
Method: Appan mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, the middle finger and the ring finger.
Effects: Appaan mudra is a combination of the Aakaash-vardhak(Aakaash) and the Prithvi-vardhak(pritvi) mudras. Apart from an increase of elements space and earth, appan mudra brings about an increase of Vaaata and Kapha humors and therofre a decrease of Pitta humor.
Benefits: the Apaan mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Anuria (absence/obstruction of urine)
2. Constipation, flatulence (gas), pile,
3. Absence of sweat,
4. Delayed delivery of a child,
5. Burning in the body/body-parts,
6. Ailments caused by a deficiency of element space and humor Vaata,
7. Ailments caused by a deficiency of element earth and humor kapha,
8. Ailments caused by and excess of elemnt fire and humor Pitta.
Duration: Minimum 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day)
Precaution : People with a Vaata+kapha mix constitution should perform this mudra in moderation
Apaan- vaayu mudra
This important mudra is sometimes called ‘Mritsanjeevani’ mudra , a mudra which can snatch a person away from the clutches of death! Indeed, this mudra tremendously benefits a person who has suffered from chest-pain(angina pectoris) or a heart attack . It increase the earth element (and therefore the Kapha humor) while decreasing the air and fire elements with in the body.
Method: this mudra is formed by
1.Joining together the tips of thumb, middle and ring fingers and
2.applying the tip of index finger to the base of the thumb,
Effects : this mudra bestows tiple benefits:
1.Removal of obstructions/blockages in, and detoxification of, the body to allow an increase of element Aakaash (space),
2. Increase of vitality due to an increae of element Prithvi(earth) and
3. Sedation of the mind and relaxation of the body/muscles due to a reduction of elemtn Vaayu(air).
Benefits:Apaan-vaayu mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Fast heart beats, palpitations,
2. Angina pectoris (chest pain caused by blockages with in the coronary arteries that nourish the heart),
3. Performance of this mudra as soon as heart attack strikes might enable the victim to minimize damage to the heart-muscle,
5. Painful condition like headache, toothache, tummyache, backache, joint-pains, heel pain etc.,
6. Excessive sweating,
7. Obstruction of urine
8. Ailments caused by a deficiency of element earth or humor kapha,
9. Ailments caused by an excess of elements air, fire and humors Vaata, Pitta.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts (i.e or 15 minutes, thrice a day). However, when suffering from chest-pain, it should be performed continuously till the pain subsides.
Precaution: People having a pronounced kapha constitution should perform this mudra in moderation..
Shanka mudra
Shanka is the Indain term for a conch. When this mudra is performed, the hands resemble a conch.
Method: first, clench the left thumb with right fingers. Now, Place the left fingers on the back of the right palm. Finally, join the tips of the right thumb and the left index finger.
Effects: The thumb which represents the element fire , is encircled(and thereby subdued) by the fingers. At the same time, the union of the left index finger and the right thumb results in an increase of element air. In other words the Shanka mudra brings about a decrease of Pitta humor but an increase of Vaata and Kapha humors within th body.
Benefits : Shanka mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
Feverish feeling in the bdoy,
Burning in the body/body –parts,
Allergic disorders, especially unicaria (skin rashes)
voice (larynx) and throat(pharynx) problems,
flabbiness/weakness /paralysis of muscles.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts (i.e or 15 minutes, thrice a day). However, when suffering from fever or manifestations of allergy) it may be performed for longer periods.
Precaution: People with a Vaata+ Kapha mix constitution should perform this mudra in moderation.
Note: There is a simplified version of this mudra called ‘sahaj shanka mudra’, which is performed by interlocking the eight fingers and bringing in contact the two upward-pointing thumbs. Benefits of this mudra ar similar to those of the Shanka mudra.
Linga mudra
Linga is the Sanskrit term for phallus(the male genital organ) . this mudra increases bodily heat since it reinforces the fire element and the Pitta humor.
Method : this mudra is formed by interlocking the palms but keeping the left thumb erct, pointing upwards.
Effects: the thumb represents the element fire. This fire is reinforced by performing the linga mudra. The fire element which resides in the thumb is activated and is able to increase uninhibited.
Benefits: the linga mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1.Shivering and chills due to intolerance of cold weather; hypothermia,
2. Ailments caused by an overproduction/ accumulation of phlegm(mucous) in the body; such ailments include colds, sinusitis, productive(wet) cough, sticky stools, etc,
3. Asthma and other respiratory ailments that occur at the change of weather,
4. Sexual debility in males.
Duration: This mudra is not to be performed on a regular basis, It should be performed only when needed (e.g., when suffering form chills) and should be discontinud once the ailment has been overcome.
Precautions: 1. Overuse of Linga mudra may aggravate the Pitta humor within the body, causing sluggishness and lethargy.
This mudra should not be performed when suffering form ailments of Pitta-excess especially fever.
Asthma mudra
Like aakash-vardhak (or aakaash), Prtihvi-shaamk (or surya) and Linga mudra, this mudra too can help asthmatics, enabling them to relieve an attack of asthma.
Method: Press together the finger nails of the middle fingers, keeping the other fingers gently extended.
Effects: This mudra helps to treat as well as prevent attacks of asthma.Duration: At least fifteen minutes when suffering from breathlesnes. A regular performance of this mudra for about five minutes thrice a day helps the person to jprevent future attacks of asthma..
Maatangi mudra
Maatangi is the God of inner harmany. Performance of this mudra enables a person to attain harmony with himself and with the surroundings.
Method: Interlock the hands(held at navel level), keeping the middle fingers straight and touching each other.
Effects : this mudra beneficially affects the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain.
Benefits : since hypothalamus is the seat of autonomous nervous system, this mudra establishes a state of balance(i.e, homoeostasis) within the body. It also relieves tension
And pain in organs of the chest and abdoment.
Duration :
1. for at leat fifteen minutes when suffering form internal pain.
2. For five minutes , thrice a day to attain and maintain internal harmony.
2. For five minutes , thrice a day to attain and maintain internal harmony.
Pushaan mudra
This mudra is dedicated to Pushaann or sun, the God of warmth, energy and nourishment.
Method: With the right hand, perform the Vaata-kaarak mudra and with the left hand, perform the Apaan mudra.
Effects: pushaan mudra increases the space, the air, and the earth elemtns of the body.
Increases energy and immunity.
Increases strength, stamina and endurance.
Detosifies the body by facilitating excretion of metabolic waste products through stools, urine and sweat.Duration: For 45 minute every day, either at one stretch or in three parts , of 15 minutes each.
Uttarbodhi mudra
Uttarabodhi mudra can be called the mudra of enlightenment. And as the sun of enlightenment dawns, fears are dispelled. Thus this mudra works like (and , therefore, can complement) abhay-gyaan mudra.
Method: Interlock the hands (held at navel ), keeping the
1 index fingers straight touching each other and pointing upwards and pointing upwards and
thumbs extended, touching each other and pointing downwards.
Effects: A regular practice of this mudra brings about a realization that we should fear nothing or nobody except God.
1 helps to soothe excited nerves before beginning a daunting task.
2. enables the performer to overcome examination nerves, stage fright etc.
Duration: For fifteen minutes or more , as and when required.
Tridosha-naashak “samaan’ mudra
At times also called the Mukul mudra or the Sukri mudra this mudra balances and co-ordinates the five elements and the three humors of the body. Therefore, this mudra is useful for a person, whose all three humors have become deranged. Therefore this mudra is useful for a person, whose all three humors have become deranged. Theoretically, this mudra can be to overcome any disorder. More importantly, however, it can be used to prevent illness.
Method: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and all four fingers.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts (i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: None.
Note: wile performing this mudra, The fingertips can be directed at (or touched to) the diseased part of the body.
Method: This mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and all four fingers.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts (i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: None.
Note: wile performing this mudra, The fingertips can be directed at (or touched to) the diseased part of the body.
Pitta+Kapha-naashak mudra
This mudra helps to overcome any ailment of a person having a Pitta+Kapha mix constitution.
This mudra is formed by
1. Joining together the tips of the thumb and the ring finger and
2. Applying the tip of the little finger to the base of the thumb.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: People with a pronounced Vaata constitution should practice this mudra in moderation if at all.
Mudra therapy an non medical mode of treatment
I had posted 25posts on different mudras , but I was waiting to write about the usefulness of madras. Since this a part of yoga and Ayurveda not every one knows about. Since I started doing yoga sadhana 'I found out that there many non-medical therapies ar that very simple to do so I want to share which is already in many sites but I too want share my view about that .
We know medicines are, indeed a boon to mankind! At times. Medicines even save lives. Diseases once believed to be curable (e.g T.B) have been completely tamed by medicines and rendered as docile as the proverbial cow.
Effective vaccines have eradicated many viral diseases (e.g small pox) from the surface of the earth.
How ever, some drawbacks are associated with medicines and medical treatments “
At times medicines only mask symptoms or merely relieve distress, rather than striking at the root causes of illness. Many doctors are inwardly aware of the fact (though they may not admit it openly) that symptoms represent, not a disease but our immunity and, therefore, should never be suppressed.
Medicines are like double-edged swords; they can help but they can harm as well. To put it in popular parlance, medicines often produce unintended or undesirable ‘side-effects’. It has happened time and again that medicines declared absolutely safe by the pharmaceutical industry, on the basis of the much boasted ‘double-blind clinical trials’ were later found to produce very serious side effects.
Modern medicines are too powerful weapons to be used against trivial diseases; it is like using a cannon-ball to kill a fly!
After the advent of specialist doctors, five star hospitals and sophisticated, hi-tech diagnostic instruments, medical treatment has become prohibitively expensive and common man can afford it.
Fake medicines are biggest threat to life.
Resistant to particular medicines by germs and viruses
There are two more issues that need further elucidation. Firstly, there are diseases for which satisfactory medical solutions have not yet been discovered. Secondly, there are diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc which can only be controlled but can not cure. So it needs life long treatment which will be not like by every one.
So considering these factors probably when I see most of relatives of old age are suffering form skin diseases and gas .So the big question is it possible to tackle diseases through non medical measures. Can diseases be actually ‘cured’ without resorting to medicines? In reply, Therapeutic say that here are, indeed effective non medicinal therapeutic measures (like Acupunture,Acupressure, Naturopathy, Magnet therapy, Reiki Therapy, etc) that can be employed to fight diseases. The history of healing is much older than the history of medicine!
Mudra therapy is another such non-medical mode of treatment which helps without harming. Mudras are various postures of fingers and thumbs. In mudra therapy, different diseases are treated by holding and retainng the fingers and teh thumbs in different ways.
This simple measure surprisingly restores a state of balance(homeostasis) within the body and raises the level of the performer's resistance . With the patient's immunity thus strengthened, the disease has no other option but to flee.
Mudra therapy is advantageous in a number of ways:
It is very simple, perhaps the simplest among different non-medical therapies.
Mudras are quite easy to perform.
It is an extremely gentle form of treatment.
It is entirely safe since no chemical medicines are employed
Mudra therapy is inexpensive because no instruments are required
It is a form of self-treatment.Any person who has acquired basic knowledge about mudras can treat most trivial ailments on his own.
Mudra therapy has a preventive aspect, too.
Any person who analyzes and understands his temperament and his bodily constitution (on the basis given in through health table ) can realize what ailments he is susceptible to and can , then regularly practice certain mudras to prevent those susceptibilities from manifesting in to overt illness.
Mudras enjoy a universal application. They can help all types of disorders ; Sub-acute, acute or chronic; they can help all type of people :young or old, men or women.
Mudra therapy can be advantageously combined with other forms of treatment: non-medical as well as medical. Being a part of Ayurveda, it goes especially well with Ayurvedic medicine.
Even after this much saying some you may say that "All this sounds too good to be true. does it really work. Or is it all in the mind ? Perhaps mudras help because the performer strongly believes that they will. With out the performer's faith,mudras would fall flat on their faces".
But some doctors and scientists never believe in such things but some tested and say this really work. So it upto You to decide whether it work or not. I can say this because as far I had find out and with my own experience with mudras I can say that
Mudras help people who are entirely nwe to or unaware of, Mudra therapy and have never witnessed its efficacy to become 'believers'.
Mudras help young children and even insane people, where the question o belief does not arise and
Mudras even help semi-conscious or unconscious people (on whom Mudra therapy is carried put passively by using rubber bands to maintain thumbs and fingers in specific positions).
Even though mudras help in many disease there some where it has no role
in the treatment of the following disorders
Purely mechanical disorders like mature cataract, a big hole in the eardrum, deviated nasal septum, cleft palate, hare lip, heart0valvular defects,varicose veins,hernias,big stones in the gall bladders/urinary tract, prolapsed uterus/rectum/inter vertebral disc, fracture, etc. These disorders will, obviously, need surgical intervention.
Ailments caused by deficiencies of nutrients. vitamins, minerals, etc.
Disorders that are a part and parcel of old age (senile degeneration).
Life threatening ailments like cancer, AIDS, encephalitis, diphtheria, heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the live, septicaemaia, gangrene etc. These ailments cal for strong, extreme measures rather than gentle mudras.
So what I say that mudra therapy is an excellent key to try in the the lock of disease. More ofteh than not, it succeeds in opening up th lock . This key should, certainly, be tried when other keys(e.g modern medicines) have either failed or are undesirable / inapplicable. You may say that mudra therapy seems to simple to be really effective. So what I can say is in life, most important truths are , indeed , wuite simple!
Look out the different mudras Mudras .
Also find the different mudras used for disease that are used to heal by mudras
We know medicines are, indeed a boon to mankind! At times. Medicines even save lives. Diseases once believed to be curable (e.g T.B) have been completely tamed by medicines and rendered as docile as the proverbial cow.
Effective vaccines have eradicated many viral diseases (e.g small pox) from the surface of the earth.
How ever, some drawbacks are associated with medicines and medical treatments “
At times medicines only mask symptoms or merely relieve distress, rather than striking at the root causes of illness. Many doctors are inwardly aware of the fact (though they may not admit it openly) that symptoms represent, not a disease but our immunity and, therefore, should never be suppressed.
Medicines are like double-edged swords; they can help but they can harm as well. To put it in popular parlance, medicines often produce unintended or undesirable ‘side-effects’. It has happened time and again that medicines declared absolutely safe by the pharmaceutical industry, on the basis of the much boasted ‘double-blind clinical trials’ were later found to produce very serious side effects.
Modern medicines are too powerful weapons to be used against trivial diseases; it is like using a cannon-ball to kill a fly!
After the advent of specialist doctors, five star hospitals and sophisticated, hi-tech diagnostic instruments, medical treatment has become prohibitively expensive and common man can afford it.
Fake medicines are biggest threat to life.
Resistant to particular medicines by germs and viruses
There are two more issues that need further elucidation. Firstly, there are diseases for which satisfactory medical solutions have not yet been discovered. Secondly, there are diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc which can only be controlled but can not cure. So it needs life long treatment which will be not like by every one.
So considering these factors probably when I see most of relatives of old age are suffering form skin diseases and gas .So the big question is it possible to tackle diseases through non medical measures. Can diseases be actually ‘cured’ without resorting to medicines? In reply, Therapeutic say that here are, indeed effective non medicinal therapeutic measures (like Acupunture,Acupressure, Naturopathy, Magnet therapy, Reiki Therapy, etc) that can be employed to fight diseases. The history of healing is much older than the history of medicine!
Mudra therapy is another such non-medical mode of treatment which helps without harming. Mudras are various postures of fingers and thumbs. In mudra therapy, different diseases are treated by holding and retainng the fingers and teh thumbs in different ways.
This simple measure surprisingly restores a state of balance(homeostasis) within the body and raises the level of the performer's resistance . With the patient's immunity thus strengthened, the disease has no other option but to flee.
Mudra therapy is advantageous in a number of ways:
It is very simple, perhaps the simplest among different non-medical therapies.
Mudras are quite easy to perform.
It is an extremely gentle form of treatment.
It is entirely safe since no chemical medicines are employed
Mudra therapy is inexpensive because no instruments are required
It is a form of self-treatment.Any person who has acquired basic knowledge about mudras can treat most trivial ailments on his own.
Mudra therapy has a preventive aspect, too.
Any person who analyzes and understands his temperament and his bodily constitution (on the basis given in through health table ) can realize what ailments he is susceptible to and can , then regularly practice certain mudras to prevent those susceptibilities from manifesting in to overt illness.
Mudras enjoy a universal application. They can help all types of disorders ; Sub-acute, acute or chronic; they can help all type of people :young or old, men or women.
Mudra therapy can be advantageously combined with other forms of treatment: non-medical as well as medical. Being a part of Ayurveda, it goes especially well with Ayurvedic medicine.
Even after this much saying some you may say that "All this sounds too good to be true. does it really work. Or is it all in the mind ? Perhaps mudras help because the performer strongly believes that they will. With out the performer's faith,mudras would fall flat on their faces".
But some doctors and scientists never believe in such things but some tested and say this really work. So it upto You to decide whether it work or not. I can say this because as far I had find out and with my own experience with mudras I can say that
Mudras help people who are entirely nwe to or unaware of, Mudra therapy and have never witnessed its efficacy to become 'believers'.
Mudras help young children and even insane people, where the question o belief does not arise and
Mudras even help semi-conscious or unconscious people (on whom Mudra therapy is carried put passively by using rubber bands to maintain thumbs and fingers in specific positions).
Even though mudras help in many disease there some where it has no role
in the treatment of the following disorders
Purely mechanical disorders like mature cataract, a big hole in the eardrum, deviated nasal septum, cleft palate, hare lip, heart0valvular defects,varicose veins,hernias,big stones in the gall bladders/urinary tract, prolapsed uterus/rectum/inter vertebral disc, fracture, etc. These disorders will, obviously, need surgical intervention.
Ailments caused by deficiencies of nutrients. vitamins, minerals, etc.
Disorders that are a part and parcel of old age (senile degeneration).
Life threatening ailments like cancer, AIDS, encephalitis, diphtheria, heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the live, septicaemaia, gangrene etc. These ailments cal for strong, extreme measures rather than gentle mudras.
So what I say that mudra therapy is an excellent key to try in the the lock of disease. More ofteh than not, it succeeds in opening up th lock . This key should, certainly, be tried when other keys(e.g modern medicines) have either failed or are undesirable / inapplicable. You may say that mudra therapy seems to simple to be really effective. So what I can say is in life, most important truths are , indeed , wuite simple!
Look out the different mudras Mudras .
Also find the different mudras used for disease that are used to heal by mudras
The different mudras for differnt diseases
Therapeutic Index
The diseases that can be cured by mudras are listed here as index A to Z
The mudras for each disease are given and by clicking on the link you can how to perform those mudras .Some may benifit immediately some take time .
Alzheimer's disease : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Ataxia(s) : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Anxiety :Vaayu-shaamak , Vaata-naashak
Arthritis : Vaayu-shaamak , Vaata-naashak,Prithvi-vardhak
Jal –vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,Apaan- vaayu
Addison'sdisease : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Atrophy of muscles : Prithvi-vardhak
Anus, burning/fissure in : Prithvi-vardhak
Acidity : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak, Jal-shaamak
Aphthous ulcers :Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak
Appetite, loss of : Prithvi-shaamak,Pitta-kaarak, Vaata-kaarak
Anaemia : Jal –vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak
Ascitis :Pitta-kaarak, Vaata-kaarak,Jal-shaamak
Abdominal pain : Vaata-naashak,Vaayu-shaamak , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Maatangi
Anger : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak , Vaayu-shaamak.
Athero-sclerosis :Kapha-Kaarak
Ageing, premature : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak
Acne :Vaayu-vardhak
Anuria :Apaan- vaayu,Jal –vardhak ,Apaan
Angina pectoris :Apaan- vaayu,Aakaash-vardhak
Asthma :Linga mudra,Asthma mudra ,Aakaash-vardhak,Prithvi-shaamak
Allergy : Shanka mudra, Prithvi-vardhak,Kapha-Kaarak
Appendicitis :Apaan- vaayu,Prithvi-vardhak
Atrophy of optic nerve :Vaayu-vardhak ,Prithvi-vardhak
Bradycardia: Vaayu-vardhak
Breathlessnes :Vaayu-shaamak ,Asthma
Brittle nails :Vaayu-shaamak,Prithvi-vardhak
Blood-pressure, high : Aakaash-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaata-kaarak
Bones, to strengthen :Prithvi-vardhak
burning, in the body :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak,Apaan Shanka
Blood circulation, slow :Kapha-Kaarak ,Jal –vardhak ,Pitta-kaarak ,Vaata-kaarak
Backache :Vaayu-shaamak,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaata-naashak
Bloody stools/urine :Kapha-Kaarak
Blood-pressure,low :Prithvi-vardhak ,Aakaash-shaamak
Bed-wetting :Jal-shaamak
Boils : Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Bronchitis :Prithvi-vardhak
Blocked nose :Aakaash-shaamak ,Prithvi-shaamak ,Pitta-kaarak
Biliousness :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Brain to empower :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,VAAYu-VARDHAK
Creatvity, lack of : Pitta-kaarak ,VAAYu`-VARDHAK ,Vaata-kaarak Cerebral palsy : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Cretinism : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Convulsions: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Chorea: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Constipation : Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Congestion in body : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Chest-congestion: : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Cartilage, degeneration /tear : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Chronic fatigue : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Convalescence : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Coldness of body/skin : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cervical spondylosis: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Cold intolerance of: Vaata-naashak mudra, Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra.
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Cracked skin/lips/tongue: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Cramps of muscles: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Vaayu-shaamak
Circulation, slow: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Chest pain: Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Colds: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, wet: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, dry: Vaayu-shaamak
Colitis: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Dullness of mind: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Drowsiness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Dementia(s): VAAYU-VARDHAK
Degeneration of retina: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Diabetes mellitus : VAAYU-VARDHAK , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan mudra
Dizziness: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaayu-shaamak
Dry skin/hair : Vaayu-shaamak, Apaan mudra, , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dyspnoea : Vaayu-shaamak, Asthma mudra
Dysurea: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Detoxification: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Apaan mudra
Deafness: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Debility : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra,
Degeneration of joint-cartilage: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Dry eyes: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Dehydration : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Deficiency of hormones : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Dropsy: Jal-shaamak mudra
Diarrhea : Jal-shaamak mudra , Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dysentery: , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak,
Depression: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK
Digestion, weak: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Duodenal ulcer: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dry mouth throat: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Endocrine disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK /Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Effusion in joints: VAAYU-VARDHAK ,Jal-shaamak mudra
Epilepsy: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
E.S.P, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Ear disorders (pain): Vaata-naashak mudra , Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
(deafness ): Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Emaciation(weight-loss): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Excessive salivation/thirst/perspiration/urination: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Jal-shaamak mudra
Excessive menses : Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
Enthusiasm. Lack of :Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Excessive sleep: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Eye-ailments, watering; Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Twitching, nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Eczema-dry : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
-weeping; Jal-shaamak mudra
Frohlick’s syndrome: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Facial palsy: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Fear: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Uttarbodhi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Fits: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra Vaata-naashak mudra
Flatulence (gas): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Fever: Apaan mudra,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Frozen shoulder: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Fatigue: Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Fracture: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Feet, cold: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Linga mudra
Fatness: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra
Forgetfulness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Fissure, anal: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Frigidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Flu: Apaan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Gastric ulcer : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Giddiness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Gout: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Gas: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan mudra
General debility: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Greying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Greasy skin, hair: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Gall colic: Apaan- vaayu mudra
Gastritis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Heel-pain: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Heart weak /failure: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Heart disease/pain/attack : Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Hypothyroidism: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Jal-shaamak mudra , Linga mudra,
Hyperthyroidism: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Hiccups: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
High blood pressure: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Hair-loss/greying: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Hyperacidity: Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Hydrocele: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydrocephalous: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydronephrosis: Jal-shaamak mudra
Heat stroke: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Heat, intolerance: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Head ache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Hoarse voice: Vaata-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Initiative, lack of: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Irritability: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Indecisiveness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Impatience: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intercostals neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Intuition, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Irregular hear-beats: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Inflammatory diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intolerance of cold: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Indigestion: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Intolerance of heat: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Irregular menses: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Immunity, weak: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Intelligence, to develop: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Impotence: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Linga mudra
Infertility: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Influenza: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra, Apaan mudra
Insomnia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Itching: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Infectious diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan mudra
Joint-pains: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Jealous nature: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Jaundice: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Kidney ailments: Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra Jal-shaamak mudra
Kapha (mucous) excessive: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Lack of enthusiasm /initiative/creativity: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Loss of memory: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Lethargy: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Lack of concentration: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Lack of Stamina /endurance: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Loss of appetite: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Loss of taste-sensation: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Loose motions: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra , Apaan mudra
Liver ailments: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Leucorrhoea: Apaan mudra , Shanka mudra
Lumbago: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Laryngitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Leprosy: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Muscles, to strengthen: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Shanka mudra
Memory, loss of: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Myxoedema : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Jal-shaamak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Myopathies : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Mucous, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Muscle spasm /cramps/rigidity: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Milk, deficient: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Migraine: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Apaan mudra
Muscle-atrophy: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Mouth ulcers: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Menstrual problem:
Scanty: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Excessive: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Painful: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Irregular: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Mental tension: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Menopause: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Nervous(system)disorders : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Neuritis: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Numbness in body /hands/feet: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Nose/smell disorders: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Nose, running: Jal-shaamak mudra
Nose, blocked: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Nervous exhaustion/breakdown: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Neck-pain , stiffness : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Nails brittle: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Nausea: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Optic atrophy: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Overactivity of endocrine glands: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Osteoporosis/osteomalacia : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Oasteo-Arthrites(O.A): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Obesity: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Linga mudra
Oliguria: Vaata-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Oligomenorrhoea : Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Oligospermia : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Odema: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra
Oily skin/hair: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Paresis,Polio : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Paralysis,paraplegia : Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Prostatitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Parkinson’s disease: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Palpitations: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Premature ageing/graying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Psoriasis: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Pleurisy/Pleural effusion: Jal-shaamak mudra
Painful conditions: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Piles: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
Phyaryngitis(sore throat): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Shanka mudra
Pneumonia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Shanka mudra
Pituitary/pineal disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Pitta(bile),excessive : Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Quadriplegia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Syringomyelia: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Linga mudra
Spasticity of muscles: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Stress: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra,
Sleepness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra ,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Sciatica: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Skin, dry-cracked: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra,
Apaan mudra
Mature ,ageing : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Oily: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cold : Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Sinusitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Skin rashes: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Stomach, burning in : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Apaan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stomach, pain: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Shivering: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Sweating,absent : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Sweating,excessive : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Scanty, urine: Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Scanty menses: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Scanty semen: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Saliva excessive: Jal-shaamak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Sleep excessive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Sun-stroke: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stamina, lack of: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Apaan mudra, Pushaan mudra
Stammering : Vaata-naashak mudra
Sexual debility: 0, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Shoulder pain/stiffness: Apaan- vaayu mudra
Swelling : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Sore throat: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Tongue /taste disorders: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Thyroid, underactive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Typhoid: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Shanka mudra
T.B: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Tennis elbow: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Thyroid ,over active : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Timidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Tremors: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Throat –burning/pain: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Shanka mudra
Toothache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Tonsillitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra
Trigeminal neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Tinnitus(noises in the ear) : Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Tachycardia (fast heart beats) : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Urticaria,itching : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Shanka mudra
Ulcers in mouth /stomach/intestines: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Urine,scanty/absent : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra,Apaan mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Profuse frequent: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Burning/painful: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan mudra
Unsteady walk(gait): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Ulcerative colitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Voice, hoarse/strained: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Vertigo: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Vision problems: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Vatta(air)excessive : Vaata-naashak mudra
Varicose veins: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
Weakness: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Weight-loss (to arrest): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Weight, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Water retention: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Watery eyes: Jal-shaamak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
The diseases that can be cured by mudras are listed here as index A to Z
The mudras for each disease are given and by clicking on the link you can how to perform those mudras .Some may benifit immediately some take time .
Alzheimer's disease : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Ataxia(s) : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Anxiety :Vaayu-shaamak , Vaata-naashak
Arthritis : Vaayu-shaamak , Vaata-naashak,Prithvi-vardhak
Jal –vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,Apaan- vaayu
Addison'sdisease : Vaayu-vardhak ,Vaata-kaarak
Atrophy of muscles : Prithvi-vardhak
Anus, burning/fissure in : Prithvi-vardhak
Acidity : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak, Jal-shaamak
Aphthous ulcers :Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak
Appetite, loss of : Prithvi-shaamak,Pitta-kaarak, Vaata-kaarak
Anaemia : Jal –vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak
Ascitis :Pitta-kaarak, Vaata-kaarak,Jal-shaamak
Abdominal pain : Vaata-naashak,Vaayu-shaamak , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Maatangi
Anger : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak , Vaayu-shaamak.
Athero-sclerosis :Kapha-Kaarak
Ageing, premature : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak
Acne :Vaayu-vardhak
Anuria :Apaan- vaayu,Jal –vardhak ,Apaan
Angina pectoris :Apaan- vaayu,Aakaash-vardhak
Asthma :Linga mudra,Asthma mudra ,Aakaash-vardhak,Prithvi-shaamak
Allergy : Shanka mudra, Prithvi-vardhak,Kapha-Kaarak
Appendicitis :Apaan- vaayu,Prithvi-vardhak
Atrophy of optic nerve :Vaayu-vardhak ,Prithvi-vardhak
Bradycardia: Vaayu-vardhak
Breathlessnes :Vaayu-shaamak ,Asthma
Brittle nails :Vaayu-shaamak,Prithvi-vardhak
Blood-pressure, high : Aakaash-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaata-kaarak
Bones, to strengthen :Prithvi-vardhak
burning, in the body :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak,Apaan Shanka
Blood circulation, slow :Kapha-Kaarak ,Jal –vardhak ,Pitta-kaarak ,Vaata-kaarak
Backache :Vaayu-shaamak,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaata-naashak
Bloody stools/urine :Kapha-Kaarak
Blood-pressure,low :Prithvi-vardhak ,Aakaash-shaamak
Bed-wetting :Jal-shaamak
Boils : Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Bronchitis :Prithvi-vardhak
Blocked nose :Aakaash-shaamak ,Prithvi-shaamak ,Pitta-kaarak
Biliousness :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Brain to empower :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,VAAYu-VARDHAK
Creatvity, lack of : Pitta-kaarak ,VAAYu`-VARDHAK ,Vaata-kaarak Cerebral palsy : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Cretinism : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Convulsions: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Chorea: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Constipation : Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Congestion in body : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Chest-congestion: : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Cartilage, degeneration /tear : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Chronic fatigue : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Convalescence : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Coldness of body/skin : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cervical spondylosis: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Cold intolerance of: Vaata-naashak mudra, Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra.
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Cracked skin/lips/tongue: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Cramps of muscles: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Vaayu-shaamak
Circulation, slow: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Chest pain: Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Colds: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, wet: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, dry: Vaayu-shaamak
Colitis: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Dullness of mind: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Drowsiness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Dementia(s): VAAYU-VARDHAK
Degeneration of retina: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Diabetes mellitus : VAAYU-VARDHAK , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan mudra
Dizziness: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaayu-shaamak
Dry skin/hair : Vaayu-shaamak, Apaan mudra, , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dyspnoea : Vaayu-shaamak, Asthma mudra
Dysurea: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Detoxification: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Apaan mudra
Deafness: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Debility : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra,
Degeneration of joint-cartilage: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Dry eyes: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Dehydration : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Deficiency of hormones : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Dropsy: Jal-shaamak mudra
Diarrhea : Jal-shaamak mudra , Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dysentery: , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak,
Depression: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK
Digestion, weak: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Duodenal ulcer: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dry mouth throat: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Endocrine disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK /Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Effusion in joints: VAAYU-VARDHAK ,Jal-shaamak mudra
Epilepsy: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
E.S.P, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Ear disorders (pain): Vaata-naashak mudra , Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
(deafness ): Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Emaciation(weight-loss): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Vaata-naashak mudra
Excessive salivation/thirst/perspiration/urination: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Jal-shaamak mudra
Excessive menses : Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
Enthusiasm. Lack of :Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Excessive sleep: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Eye-ailments, watering; Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Twitching, nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Eczema-dry : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
-weeping; Jal-shaamak mudra
Frohlick’s syndrome: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Facial palsy: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Fear: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Uttarbodhi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Fits: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra Vaata-naashak mudra
Flatulence (gas): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Fever: Apaan mudra,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Frozen shoulder: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Fatigue: Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Fracture: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Feet, cold: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Linga mudra
Fatness: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra
Forgetfulness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Fissure, anal: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Frigidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Flu: Apaan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Gastric ulcer : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Giddiness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Gout: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Gas: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan mudra
General debility: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Greying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Greasy skin, hair: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Gall colic: Apaan- vaayu mudra
Gastritis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Heel-pain: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Heart weak /failure: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Heart disease/pain/attack : Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Hypothyroidism: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Jal-shaamak mudra , Linga mudra,
Hyperthyroidism: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Hiccups: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
High blood pressure: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Hair-loss/greying: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Hyperacidity: Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Hydrocele: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydrocephalous: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydronephrosis: Jal-shaamak mudra
Heat stroke: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Heat, intolerance: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Head ache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Hoarse voice: Vaata-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Initiative, lack of: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Irritability: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Indecisiveness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Impatience: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intercostals neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Intuition, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Irregular hear-beats: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Inflammatory diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intolerance of cold: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Indigestion: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Intolerance of heat: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Irregular menses: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Immunity, weak: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Intelligence, to develop: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Impotence: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Linga mudra
Infertility: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Influenza: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra, Apaan mudra
Insomnia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Itching: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Infectious diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan mudra
Joint-pains: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Jealous nature: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Jaundice: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Kidney ailments: Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra Jal-shaamak mudra
Kapha (mucous) excessive: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Lack of enthusiasm /initiative/creativity: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Loss of memory: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Lethargy: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Lack of concentration: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Lack of Stamina /endurance: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Loss of appetite: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Loss of taste-sensation: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Loose motions: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra , Apaan mudra
Liver ailments: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Leucorrhoea: Apaan mudra , Shanka mudra
Lumbago: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Laryngitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Leprosy: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Muscles, to strengthen: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Shanka mudra
Memory, loss of: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Myxoedema : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Jal-shaamak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra
Myopathies : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Mucous, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Muscle spasm /cramps/rigidity: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Milk, deficient: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Migraine: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Apaan mudra
Muscle-atrophy: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Mouth ulcers: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Menstrual problem:
Scanty: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Excessive: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Painful: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Irregular: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Mental tension: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Menopause: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Nervous(system)disorders : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Neuritis: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Numbness in body /hands/feet: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Nose/smell disorders: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Nose, running: Jal-shaamak mudra
Nose, blocked: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Nervous exhaustion/breakdown: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Neck-pain , stiffness : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Nails brittle: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Nausea: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
Optic atrophy: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Overactivity of endocrine glands: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Osteoporosis/osteomalacia : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Oasteo-Arthrites(O.A): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Obesity: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Linga mudra
Oliguria: Vaata-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Oligomenorrhoea : Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Oligospermia : Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Odema: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra
Oily skin/hair: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Paresis,Polio : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Paralysis,paraplegia : Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Prostatitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Parkinson’s disease: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Palpitations: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Premature ageing/graying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Psoriasis: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Pleurisy/Pleural effusion: Jal-shaamak mudra
Painful conditions: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Piles: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
Phyaryngitis(sore throat): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Shanka mudra
Pneumonia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Shanka mudra
Pituitary/pineal disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Pitta(bile),excessive : Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Quadriplegia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Syringomyelia: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Linga mudra
Spasticity of muscles: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Stress: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra,
Sleepness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra ,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Sciatica: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Skin, dry-cracked: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra,
Apaan mudra
Mature ,ageing : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Oily: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cold : Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Sinusitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Skin rashes: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Stomach, burning in : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Apaan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stomach, pain: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Shivering: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Sweating,absent : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Sweating,excessive : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Scanty, urine: Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Scanty menses: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Scanty semen: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Saliva excessive: Jal-shaamak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Sleep excessive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Sun-stroke: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stamina, lack of: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Apaan mudra, Pushaan mudra
Stammering : Vaata-naashak mudra
Sexual debility: 0, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Shoulder pain/stiffness: Apaan- vaayu mudra
Swelling : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Sore throat: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Tongue /taste disorders: Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Thyroid, underactive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , : VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA
Typhoid: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Shanka mudra
T.B: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Tennis elbow: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Thyroid ,over active : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Timidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Tremors: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Throat –burning/pain: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Shanka mudra
Toothache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Tonsillitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra
Trigeminal neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Tinnitus(noises in the ear) : Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Tachycardia (fast heart beats) : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Urticaria,itching : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Shanka mudra
Ulcers in mouth /stomach/intestines: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Urine,scanty/absent : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra,Apaan mudra, Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Profuse frequent: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Burning/painful: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan mudra
Unsteady walk(gait): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Ulcerative colitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Voice, hoarse/strained: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Vertigo: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Vision problems: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Vatta(air)excessive : Vaata-naashak mudra
Varicose veins: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
Weakness: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Weight-loss (to arrest): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Weight, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Water retention: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Linga mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Watery eyes: Jal-shaamak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Yoni mudra or shanmukhi mudra
How to do: Adopt sidhasana pose with both ears closed with the thumbs,both eyes with the index fingers,both nostrils with the middle fingers,and the mouth with ring and small fingers.Inhale and retain the breath.Repeat om and concentrate on Ajna chakra(between the eye-brows).Perform mula bandha and feel that kundalini shakti is ascending the sushuma ans feel that kundalini shakti is ascending the sushumna,piercing the six chakras.Exhale and release the fingers.
This enables the yoga to enter deep into the heart,for the practice of profound meditation and japa.It awakens the sleeping kundalini and confers great powers to the body and mind.It bestows mental peace and serenity.
This enables the yoga to enter deep into the heart,for the practice of profound meditation and japa.It awakens the sleeping kundalini and confers great powers to the body and mind.It bestows mental peace and serenity.
Mudras for enlightenment
We had so far seen mudras for health and curing disease in my previous posts but there so many mudras beyond for health to enlightenment mudras. Literally the meaning of mudras is a seal. It is called so because it seals the mind with the soul. Exercises falling under mudra are associated with retention of breath. Infact bandhas and mudras go together. Mudras control the vital forces(pranas) and thereby the mind in order to awaken the hidden mystic powers.
Once the potentialities of the spirit are unfolded before the performer, he can conquer all diseases and move towards God-realization.
Mudras helps the striver to awaken Kundalini to check the distractions of the mind and to sublimate vital energy into Ojas Shakti or spiritual energy. With the help of this Shakti he can exp;ore the mysteries.
Once th yogi attains spiritual energy, his personality blooms; he is able to attract men, his will power becomes strong and his mind balanced.
But in order to draw maximum benifits of Bandhas and mudras one must purify heart by selfless service of humanity and by developing virtues such as non-violence, truthfulness, purity. etc. Mere performance on any yoga exercises will not lead to the attainment of powers.
There are so many nudras that are in vogue and practiced, we had seen so far around 26 mudras for health and personality .
Here are some important mudras for enlightenment.
Maha Mudra
Maha Vedha Mudra
Yoga Mudra
Matangini Mudra
Ashwini Mudra
Kaki Mudra
Shambhavi Mudra
Unmani Mudra
Viparita Karani Mudra
Once the potentialities of the spirit are unfolded before the performer, he can conquer all diseases and move towards God-realization.
Mudras helps the striver to awaken Kundalini to check the distractions of the mind and to sublimate vital energy into Ojas Shakti or spiritual energy. With the help of this Shakti he can exp;ore the mysteries.
Once th yogi attains spiritual energy, his personality blooms; he is able to attract men, his will power becomes strong and his mind balanced.
But in order to draw maximum benifits of Bandhas and mudras one must purify heart by selfless service of humanity and by developing virtues such as non-violence, truthfulness, purity. etc. Mere performance on any yoga exercises will not lead to the attainment of powers.
There are so many nudras that are in vogue and practiced, we had seen so far around 26 mudras for health and personality .
Here are some important mudras for enlightenment.
Maha Mudra
Maha Vedha Mudra
Yoga Mudra
Matangini Mudra
Ashwini Mudra
Kaki Mudra
Shambhavi Mudra
Unmani Mudra
Viparita Karani Mudra
Maha Mudra
How to do: One has to first perform Mula bandha and press the Kanda(space between anus and the generative organ) by the right heel.Keep the left leg straight. Bend down and hold the big toe of the left foot with both hands. Bring the head down until it touches the knee. This position is also known as Janu-Shira-Asan. In Maha mudra, Janu Shira Asana is associated with the Bandhas, and pranayama. Inhale and while retaining the breath performJalandhar Bandha Bandha . Then Exhale while performing Uddiyan Bandha (taking the navel forcibly towards the back). Perform the pranayama as long as you can.
The same can be repeated by keeping the right leg straight and by pressing the Kanda with the left heel.
The gaze should stay between the eyebrows(bhru-Madhya Drishti). Meditate upon the Ajna Chakra.
duration :This mudra can be done as long as one can.
Maha mudra should be followed by Maha Bandha and Maha Vedha.
Benefits: This exercise enables the combined forces of Prana and Apana to pass through Sushumna, which awakens the Kundalini. This cures Hemorrhoids or piles, gastritis, constipation, consumption and various morbid conditions of the body thereby augmenting digestion and toning up the nervous system.
Maha Vedha Mudra
In Maha Vedha, press the Kanda with the left heel. Perform Mula Bandha . Place the riht foot on the left thigh. Then perform Jalandhar Bandha by pressing the chin against the chest. Place both palms on the ground and then balancing the body on the hands raise the buttocks with the left heel pressing against the Kanda, then bring it down on the ground(gently). Perform inhalation of breath in the beginning of the practice and after few times of striking, exhale.
This exercise is a great purifier of the body and the mind. It also awakens Kundalini Shakti and tleads to the attainment of Samdhi.
This exercise is a great purifier of the body and the mind. It also awakens Kundalini Shakti and tleads to the attainment of Samdhi.
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