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Monday, January 17, 2011

Happiness and Health.

Happiness and Health.

Every human home was originally
intended to be a real haven of rest- a little heaven on earth, where all of the children would learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty were to be inculcated into their minds. It was to be a place where youth could grow up happily, and to which they might return for comfort and guidance even after having left their parents to establish new homes for themselves. Such an ideal whenever realized goes far to minimize problems of later life. Some may not have such a home that is the game of life.
True, there are those who think that life must go on according to the brutal ways of the jungle. They claim that human feelings really do not matter. This is far from true. Man was “made in the image of God” that they might reflect the glory and love of God. Originally he was placed in beautiful garden home, not in a cruel, heartless jungle with no law except survival of the fittest.
A happy home should be the heritage of every person who comes into this world. NO child should be allowed to remain long in an unhappy home, for unhappiness can soon cause illness of both mind and body. The contented person who has been privileged to know and understand the better ways of life , and who lives sensibly can usually enjoy the best of health , both mentally and physically .
If children everywhere were given the right kind of home training , there would be no more wars, no more crimes especially the shootout at universities and colleges by teenagers , and no more poverty. Almost all the problems that afflict the human race can be traced to wrong environment during childhood and youth. Proper home training develops a balanced personality.
Many people are too self-centred to live happily together . Even when two people marry , it is often impossible for them to get along well with each other. The reason? They are so wrapped up in their own wants and whims that they cannot think of the other person. This attitude is often unconsciously copied by the children, and so it passes on from one unhappy generation to another.

Price of a Happy home
A happy home is never an accident. Some one always has to pay the price, not only in money, but also in the deeper realities of life. But a happy home is worth whatever it may cost. Fortunately it is not a question of money. People who are very poor in this world’s goods can be so happy that their joy exceeds anything that money can buy. There are others who have all that this world can offer, and yet are utterly miserable. Happiness does not depend upon the amount of money can buy. There are others who have all that this world can offer, and yet utterly miserable. Happiness does not depend upon the amount money one possesses, but rather on a wholesome personality and outlook on life.
To build a happy home, both parents must be prepared to get along well with each other. Their personalities must blend together. Each must respect the rights of the other , and both must be prepared to work out their problems without quarrelling . Neither parent can expect to be right all the time. Each must be willing to give in to the other for the good of all in the home. Defects in one’s own disposition or habits may have to be corrected in order to build a successful and well-adjusted family relationship. Both parents need to remember that the little joys, kindness and happy surprises really make life worthwhile.
Why some homes Fail
Selfish people never create happy homes. Their personalities are too immature. A person who is basically selfish has never completely grown up in mind. He is still an undeveloped adolescent , not a mature person. He will always want his own way. Regardless of the feelings of others. By his actions he is saying , “I want what I want when I want it.”
Such an attitude can never build a truly happy community. Young people should certainly keep this in mind when considering marriage,. It is never wise to marry a selfish person, for the chances of changing him or her are slim indeed. That is why so many homes endure only under great stress or eventually break up . People who are really in love with each other are not selfish or demanding. They are willing to go more than half way in solving any problem they may face.
Jealousy has no place in a happy home. A jealous person tends to be insecure. He is never sure of himself. A happy home cannot be built around a person whose feelings are easily injured . Real homes are built on love that endures, not on flighty feelings that fade away under the touch of trouble or criticism.
Centre of the Home.
The true centre of every home is the mother. No one else can ever take her place. Her tastes, her desires, her ideals, like those of the little mother bird, will influence everything that goes on within that home. All the interests and activities of a happy family centre on the mother. If she is kind and cultured, her home will reflect her fine ideals. But if she is careless or ignorant, the home will quickly show her poor attitude or lack of training .
Education is very important to a young man if he is to succeed in the business and professional world. Everyone will agree o this. But education in the art of home-making is even more important for a young woman, for into her hands has been committed the very future of the human race. Every girl should be given thorough training in the principles of health, Child care and home skills . The success of the family, the community, the nation and the world depends on the young women of today and the kind of homes they establish. There is no greater responsibility than this.
To be a place of true happiness, the home should be bright and cheerful.. Every day each room should be filled with sunshine and fresh air, so that every part of the house will be sweet and clean for the family to enjoy. Above all , it should be a place of joy and love, a place where the door is ever open to friends and neighbors and where even strangers will be received with hospitality and kindness.
Remember this . Happy parents created happy homes. Happy homes produce happy children. Happy children make a happy community and a happy communities make a happier world.

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