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Monday, January 17, 2011

Apple and Its description and nutritional importance in diet

Apple is always considered as an important fruit for health. "An apple a day really keeps the
doctor away " a famous old saying shows the nutritional importance of apple in diet .

Botanical Name of apple :: Malus sylveslris
Indian Name of apple :: Seb or Sev

The apple is a sub-acid fruit and one of the most valuable of all the fruits It is a fleshy fruit, with tough skin, ranging in color from greenish yellow to red. It is usually five to seven cm in diameter and has pinkish or yellowish white flesh. The apple is considered "protective" and most wholesome food. Apart from its energy value, it plays an important role in the normal development of metabolic functions-i.e. the chemical and physical changes that take place within the body and enable its continued growth and functioning

Origin and Distribution
The apple is a native of Eastern Europe and
Western Asia and has been cultivated from pre historic times. It has mentioned in the annals of old China, Babylon and Egypt. The Bible also contains several 'references to this fruit. The Scandinavians called it the "Food of Gods" and believed that it possessed medicinal properties to regenerate both mind and body. In India, apples are grown in the hilly areas of Kashmir , Kulu and Kumaon. Nearly 7,500 varieties of the fruit are grown all over the world
Food Value
The apple is a highly nutritive food.1t contains minerals and vitamins in abundance. The food value of the apple is chiefly constituted by its contents of sugar which ranges from 9 t0 51 percent. Of this, fruit sugar constitutes 60 per cent and glucose 25 percent and cane sugar only 15 per cent.
Food Value Minerals and Vitamins
Moisture - 84.6% Calcium - 10 mg
Protein - 0.2% Phosphorus - 14 mg
Fat - 0.5% Iron - 1 mg
Minerals - 0.3% Vitamin A - 40 IU**

Fibre - 4.0% Small amount of Vitamin E, H and B Complex
Carbohydrates - 13.4% Calorific Value - 59
* Values per 100 gm's edible portion ** International Unit
Raw apples generally contain a small quantity of starch which gels wholly converted into sugar during the process of ripening. The acid content of the apple is also increased together with the sugar. This acid is constituted mostly by malic acid which is completely utilized by the body.
The skin of the apple should not be discarded when taking it in raw form as the skin and the flesh just below it contain more vitamin C than the inner flesh. The vitamin content decreases gradually towards the centre of the fruit The skin also contains five times more vitamin A than the flesh.

Natural Benefits and Curative Properties of Apple.
Apples are invaluable in the maintenance of good health and in the treatment of many ailments. It was said long ago, 'to eat an apple before going to bed will make the doctor beg his bread' The modern version of this ancient saving, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', sums up the healthful and nourishing qualities of apples.
The active medicinal principle of apple is pectin, natural therapeutic ingredient found in the inner portion of the rind and the pulp Pectin aids in detoxification by supplying the 'galacturonic acid' needed for the elimination of certain harmful substances It also helps to prevent decomposition of protein matter in the alimentary canal. The malic acid contained in the apple is beneficial to the bowels, liver and brain.
Anemia : - Apples, being rich in iron, arsenic arid phosphorus, are highly beneficial in the treatment of anemia. It will be particularly useful in the form of freshly prepared apple juice. It may be taken in quantities of 1 kg. daily with beneficial results. The best time to lake the juice is half an hour before meals and just before retiring to bed. The cider should be drawn from selected apples which should be thoroughly washed before crushing.
• Constipation and Diarrhea : - Apples are beneficial in the treatment of both constipation and diarrhea. Raw apples are good for constipation. At least two apples should be taken easily for proper evacuation of bowels Cooked or baked apples are good for diarrhea The cooking process softens the cellulose and provides bulk to the feces.
• Dysentery : - Apples have beer found useful in acute and chronic dysentery among children. Ripe and sweet apples should be crushed into pulp and given to the child several times a day, from one to four tablespoon, according to age, in this disorder. The American Medical Association has also advocated the use of apples as therapeutic agent in dysentery.
• Stomach Disorders : - A natural 'apple medicine' for the disturbed stomach is prepared by slicing a whole apple and gently pounding it until it becomes slightly mashed. It may be sprinkled with cinnamon or honey The entire mashed apple may be eaten except for the stem and seeds It should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. This preparation should be taken several times between meals for beneficial results The all natural medicinal substance, pectin, in the mashed apple works to create a protective coating action by virtue of its qualities as an absorbent and demulcent i.e. the soothing agent. Shreded apple, mixed with a tablespoonful of honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds, constitute an excellent stomach tonic and an appetizer. It should be taken before meals. It stimulates sluggish digestive juices and this facilitates assimilation of food for healthful results.
• Headache :- Apples are highly beneficial in the treatment of all types of headache. A ripe apple, after removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion should be taken with a little salt every morning on empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week. It will yield .good results even in cases of disgusting chronic headache.
• Heart Disease :- Apples are of special value to heart patients. They are rich in potassium and phosphorus but low in sodium. From ancient times, apple with honey is considered a very effective remedy for functional disorders of heart. Recent researches by Dr. Elizabeth Barret Cannor of California University have revealed that people who consume plenty of potassium through food items are likely to escape heart attacks. Apples, as a good source of potassium, help in the alleviation of heart disease.
• High Blood Pressure :- Apples are considered invaluable in the cases of high blood pressure. The apple diet has a rapid and considerable diuretic effect causing increased secretion of urine and thus bringing down blood pressure to normal. It also relieves the kidneys by reducing the supply of sodium chloride to a minimum In addition, it lowers the sodium level in the tissues because of the high level of potassium in apples.
• Rheumatic Afflictions :- Apples are regarded an excellent food medicine for gout, arthritis and rheumatism especially when these diseases are caused by uric acid poisoning. The malic acid contained in them is believed to neutralize the uric acid and afford relief to the sufferers. Apples, boiled to a jelly, make a very good liniment for rheumatic pains. They should be rubbed freely on the affected area.
• Dry Cough :- Sweet apples are valuable in dry hacking cough. Nearly 250 grams of sweet apples should be taken daily for about a week to obtain relief.
• Kidney Stones :- Apples are useful in kidney stones. In countries where the natural unsweetened cider is the common beverage, cases of stone or calculus are practically absent. The ripe fresh fruit will be more valuable.
• Eye Disorders :- The apple peel water is an excellent medicine for the inflamed eyes both as a beverage and as an eye wash. This beverage is prepared by putting the peelings in a pan, well covered with water. The water should be brought to boiling point and allowed to simmer gently for a few minutes. The water should then be strained off and some honey be added to it.
The over-ripe apples are useful as a poultice for sore eyes The pulp is applied over the closed eyes and is held in position with a bandage. It is allowed to remain there for one to two hours.
• Dental Disorders :- Tooth-decay can be prevented by regular consumption of apples as they possess a mouth cleansing property. Dr. T.T. HanKs in his book, Dental Survey, says, "Apples have mouth cleansing property that no other fruit possesses, and taken after meals, they have the same effect as a tooth brush in cleansing the teeth, with the added advantage that the acid content, aside from its nutritive value, is of assistance in promoting the flow of saliva in the mouth, which is also beneficial to the teeth". The acid of the apple also exerts an antiseptic influence upon the germs present in the mouth and teeth when it is thoroughly chewed. Apples are thus regarded as a natural preserver of the teeth and should be taken in all tooth troubles.
• Promotes Vigour and Vitality :- The apple is the best fruit to tone up a weak and run-down condition of the human system. It removes all deficiencies of vital organs and makes the body stout and strong. It tones up the body and the brain as it contains more phosphorus and iron than any other fruit or vegetable. Its regular consumption with milk promotes health and youthfulness and helps build healthy and bright skin. It .has a calming and relaxing effect and is good especially for sedentary workers.
Uses of apples :-
The apple is generally taken raw and is used as a dessert fruit. Apples can be used as a salad and taken with other fruits, or cooked or baked They can also be used in the form of dried apple, apple jelly, apple juice or cider and vinegar. Freshly prepared apple juice is one of the best fruit juices.
Precautions :-
Apples should not be consumed on an empty stomach as it may lead to indigestion Apples are often sprayed with poisonous chemicals to prevent them from decay, the fruits should be thoroughly washed and cleaned in all possible ways before consumption.

Fruit Cure

Fruits are highly beneficial in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in
the body. They neutralize the toxic condition of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid –forming foods and restore its alkalinity. They help clear the system of morbid waste and cater to the body’s requirement of natural sugar, vitamins and minerals.
Adolf Just, the world famous Naturopath, in his book Return to Nature states, “Fruits alone contain healing draughts for man; Nature offers them readymade, they taste deliciously and are sure to cure all his sufferings and disease. Fruits Contains nectar and ambrosia.”
Fasting is considered as Nature’s Oldest and most effective method of treating diseases. The best and safest way of fasting is ‘juice fasting ‘. The procedure is to take the juice of an orange or any other juicy fruits , such as grapes ,mosambi, grapefruit and pineapple, diluted in 50:50 with water, every two hours from 8.am to 8p.m . Nothing else, whatsoever, may be taken, as otherwise the value of the juice fast will be entirely lost. Canned or frozen juices should not be used. The total daily liquid intake should be about six to eight glasses.
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements contained in fresh fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalizing all the body processes. They supply needed elements for the body’s own healing activity and cell regeneration and thereby speed up the recovery. Each day, while fasting it should be ensured that the bowels are cleansed of the toxic matter thrown off by the self cleansing process set up by the body. This can be done by a warm water enema.
Next to the short juice fasting, the all fruit diet is nature’s finest eliminating medium. The value of fresh juicy fruits in diseases by the cleansing of tissues, is incalculable. The all fruit diet is highly beneficial particularly in cases of bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic catarrh and constipation as it fills the body with life- giving mineral salts.
In the case of the all-fruit Diet , one should take three meals a day of fresh, ripe juicy fruits such as apples, pears , grapes, oranges, grapefruit,pineapple,peaches,melon or any other juicy fruit in season. Bananas should, however not be taken nor should any other foodstuff be added to the fruits diet. For drinks, plain water or unsweetened lemon water may be taken.

Curative Properties of Fruits

Moreover, certain fruits can combat specific ailments. It should , however be remembered that in the therapeutic use of any fruits as a treatment for specific disease, nothing except that particular fruit or its juice should be taken in the system at the time of treatment. Thus , when utilizing lemon juice as a food remedy,, the juice should be taken at least half an hour before consuming any other food.
It has been found that fruit sugars, calcium ,iron , vitamins A,B-complex and C control the gradation of heart energy. Hence , eating fruits like apple ,lemon, orange , and pomegranate can aid the proper functioning o f the heart and keep it healthy even in old age. Fruits like apple, date and mango have a direct action on the central nervous system. The phosphorus ,glutamic acid and vitamins A and B-complex of the fruits exert a protective and tonic effect on the nerves. Hence , regular use of the these fruits in the diet will sharpen memory and prevent nervous exhaustion, mental tension, hysteria and insomnia.
All berries, being extremely rich in iron , phosphorous and sodium , are highly beneficial for blood building and nerve strengthening. The lemon can be a good food remedy in case of liver ailments, indigestion and rheumatism. Watermelons make the best kidney cleansers. The water flushes through the kidneys and the traces of various minerals contained in the water act healing agents.
The soothing qualities o f pineapple and pomegranates are helpful in catarrh, hay fever and other chronic nasal and bronchial ailments. The common cold may be treated with grapefruit juice. The juice helps rout the infection by activating the organs of elimination.
Fresh and fully ripe fruits like grapes, apples, bananas and figs are best suited for all brain deficiencies. They contain a superior quality of easily assimilable sugar which transformed into physical energy that refreshes the brain. The kernel of walnut is a positive remedy for weakness of the brain .
A generous intake of fruits in the diet will enable a person to lead a healthy life. Fruit s prevent all diseases and keep a person smart, energetic and active all through his life up to the ripe old age.

Happiness and Health.

Happiness and Health.

Every human home was originally
intended to be a real haven of rest- a little heaven on earth, where all of the children would learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty were to be inculcated into their minds. It was to be a place where youth could grow up happily, and to which they might return for comfort and guidance even after having left their parents to establish new homes for themselves. Such an ideal whenever realized goes far to minimize problems of later life. Some may not have such a home that is the game of life.
True, there are those who think that life must go on according to the brutal ways of the jungle. They claim that human feelings really do not matter. This is far from true. Man was “made in the image of God” that they might reflect the glory and love of God. Originally he was placed in beautiful garden home, not in a cruel, heartless jungle with no law except survival of the fittest.
A happy home should be the heritage of every person who comes into this world. NO child should be allowed to remain long in an unhappy home, for unhappiness can soon cause illness of both mind and body. The contented person who has been privileged to know and understand the better ways of life , and who lives sensibly can usually enjoy the best of health , both mentally and physically .
If children everywhere were given the right kind of home training , there would be no more wars, no more crimes especially the shootout at universities and colleges by teenagers , and no more poverty. Almost all the problems that afflict the human race can be traced to wrong environment during childhood and youth. Proper home training develops a balanced personality.
Many people are too self-centred to live happily together . Even when two people marry , it is often impossible for them to get along well with each other. The reason? They are so wrapped up in their own wants and whims that they cannot think of the other person. This attitude is often unconsciously copied by the children, and so it passes on from one unhappy generation to another.

Price of a Happy home
A happy home is never an accident. Some one always has to pay the price, not only in money, but also in the deeper realities of life. But a happy home is worth whatever it may cost. Fortunately it is not a question of money. People who are very poor in this world’s goods can be so happy that their joy exceeds anything that money can buy. There are others who have all that this world can offer, and yet are utterly miserable. Happiness does not depend upon the amount of money can buy. There are others who have all that this world can offer, and yet utterly miserable. Happiness does not depend upon the amount money one possesses, but rather on a wholesome personality and outlook on life.
To build a happy home, both parents must be prepared to get along well with each other. Their personalities must blend together. Each must respect the rights of the other , and both must be prepared to work out their problems without quarrelling . Neither parent can expect to be right all the time. Each must be willing to give in to the other for the good of all in the home. Defects in one’s own disposition or habits may have to be corrected in order to build a successful and well-adjusted family relationship. Both parents need to remember that the little joys, kindness and happy surprises really make life worthwhile.
Why some homes Fail
Selfish people never create happy homes. Their personalities are too immature. A person who is basically selfish has never completely grown up in mind. He is still an undeveloped adolescent , not a mature person. He will always want his own way. Regardless of the feelings of others. By his actions he is saying , “I want what I want when I want it.”
Such an attitude can never build a truly happy community. Young people should certainly keep this in mind when considering marriage,. It is never wise to marry a selfish person, for the chances of changing him or her are slim indeed. That is why so many homes endure only under great stress or eventually break up . People who are really in love with each other are not selfish or demanding. They are willing to go more than half way in solving any problem they may face.
Jealousy has no place in a happy home. A jealous person tends to be insecure. He is never sure of himself. A happy home cannot be built around a person whose feelings are easily injured . Real homes are built on love that endures, not on flighty feelings that fade away under the touch of trouble or criticism.
Centre of the Home.
The true centre of every home is the mother. No one else can ever take her place. Her tastes, her desires, her ideals, like those of the little mother bird, will influence everything that goes on within that home. All the interests and activities of a happy family centre on the mother. If she is kind and cultured, her home will reflect her fine ideals. But if she is careless or ignorant, the home will quickly show her poor attitude or lack of training .
Education is very important to a young man if he is to succeed in the business and professional world. Everyone will agree o this. But education in the art of home-making is even more important for a young woman, for into her hands has been committed the very future of the human race. Every girl should be given thorough training in the principles of health, Child care and home skills . The success of the family, the community, the nation and the world depends on the young women of today and the kind of homes they establish. There is no greater responsibility than this.
To be a place of true happiness, the home should be bright and cheerful.. Every day each room should be filled with sunshine and fresh air, so that every part of the house will be sweet and clean for the family to enjoy. Above all , it should be a place of joy and love, a place where the door is ever open to friends and neighbors and where even strangers will be received with hospitality and kindness.
Remember this . Happy parents created happy homes. Happy homes produce happy children. Happy children make a happy community and a happy communities make a happier world.

Kundalini Shakti

All lifein the cosmos is animated by life-force or ‘vital energy’ that is said to be the power that governs the universal power. The Indian word for this life-force is ‘prana’ and Kundalini shakti , the Chinese call it ‘chi’, the Apache ‘divin’ and the pygmies ‘mana’.

This life force (kundalini Shakti or prana shakti) is the animating power that flows through all living things. A living person is filled with it; a dead person has none. It is also the life energy one senses in nature, in the cosmos around us . It is this indwelling force that manifests as the feel of a direction or a pattern frozen with an instant.

All living beings have this life force (prana or kundalini Shakti) it is the cultivation, expansion,
harnessing and use of this force (kundalini) is important. In yoga this done by the activating the subtle system of channels called nadis and centers of energy called chakras which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being .

There seven chakras present in the every human being with each one having several spiritual

Mooladhara Chakra

The first chakra is situated b
elow the sacrum bone in which resides the Kundalini, and its main aspect is the innocence. Innocence is the quality by which we experience pure, childlike joy, without the limitations of prejudice or conditionings. Innocence gives us dignity, balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. It is nothing but simplicity, purity and joy.
It is the inner wisdom that is ever present in the little children, and gets sometimes clouded by our modern lifestyles. But it is a quality which exists eternally within us and cannot be destroyed, waiting to be manifest as pure joy when the Kundalini rises.

Swadishthan Chakra

The second chakra is the chakra of creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge. It is the one
which connects us to the inner source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty around us.
The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but it is direct perception of the Reality, that can be felt in our palms and indicates our subtle blockages. Also this is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration.
On the physical level it looks after our liver, kidneys, and the lower abdomen. When we think too much, this center gets drained of energy and diseases like
diabetes or blood cancer can occur when this chakra goes completely out of balance.

Nabhi Chakra

The third chakra is the one that gives us the sense of generosity, complete
satisfaction and
and tensions. contentment.
On the left side, the main quality of this center is peace - clearing this chakra can relieve stress

On the right side, it looks after our liver which is the organ of our attention and power of concentration.

When enlightened by the Kundalini, the Nabhi chakra gives us our spiritual ascent, righteousness and inner sense of morality, and complete balance at all levels in our life.

The Heart Chakra or Anahat Chakra

The fourth chakra, the chakra of the heart, is the place where resides our Spirit, our true Self,
which is eternally pure and unaffected by anything, like a shining diamond hidden within us which witnesses all our actions.
After Self Realization, our attention becomes for the first time connected to our Spirit and we gradually become aware of it. Our misidentifications with our ego or conditionings drop and we start becoming identified with our Spirit, which is our true nature.

On the physical level, this chakra looks after our heart and lungs - if affected it can cause asthma or various heart conditions.

It is from our heart that the compassion and love manifests, and also the heart chakra is the one that gives us the sense of responsibility and pure behaviour towards others. The heart chakra manifests in the center (at the level of the sternum bone) as complete security and confidence.

All our worries, doubts and fears are destroyed when the heart chakra is fully enlightened by the Kundalini.

Vishuddhi Chakra

The fifth chakra is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful
It removes all our guilts and remorses when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini.

Also, the Vishuddhi is the chakra which gives us the connection with the whole, enabling us to feel our oneness and the fact that we are all part and parcel of the whole.

The Agnya Chakra
The sixth chakra is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion. Forgiveness is
the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in
humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit.
It is the one that dissolves all our ego, conditionings, habits, false ideas of racialism, and all our misidentifications. It is the narrow gate which opens the way for our consciousness to ascend to its final destination, which is the seventh center.

Roving eyes, watching impure things, or self-centeredness damage this chakra. Watching the sky, earth or nature can help cleanse it.

The Sahasrara Chakra

The seventh center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities. It is the last
milestone of the evolution of human awareness.
Nowadays, we are at a level which corresponds to this chakra, and our consciousness is able to easily enter into this new realm of perception, which is beyond our limited mind and concepts, and which becomes absolute at the level of the Sahasrara.

Kundalini Shakti is the cosmic power that lies dormant in the Muladhara Chakra near anus. Yogis awaken this power by Kundalini yoga and take it to the crown of the head by piercing the chakras of the sushumna, one of the important nadis. The other two important nadis are Ida and Pingala. Both these subtle astral tubes correspond to left and right of the sympathetic chains. Ida flows through the left nostril and gives a cooling effect while pingala flows through the right nostril and emits warmth.
Yogis tell us that moon is the presiding deity of Ida and sun is the presiding Deity of Pingala. That is why sometimes the left nostril is flowing, sometimes the right and sometimes both. When left flows, it is the Ida nadi that is operating. At that time one should perform simple and peaceful works. But when the right nostril is flowing, it is Pingala that operates. Then one should do vigorous and hard works such as exercises, eating, bathing, etc. Also , one should sleep during that state , because Pingala digests the food quickly and bestows sound sleep.
But when both the nostrils flow, it is Sushumna nadi that is operating. That is the time for the practice of meditation, repetition of the Lord's name, prayer and enquiry.
Sushu8mna, the best of all nadis, arises from the basal plexus and passes through the spinal column, through the subtle channel of the spinal cord, up to the crown of the head. All Chakras or mystic centres are situated in it.
By Meditation one can raise kundalini , Meditation mean practicing with total absorption. You then don’t really think of yourself as ‘I; but as a part of a composite whole .
One can raise his Kundalini or prana shakti by various practices, there thousands way or more to do it. One important thing that each aspiring practitioner must decide what he is looking for and choose accordingly . What ever you chose the final result is same!