Friday, July 16, 2010

Visualisation And Imagination

Visualization is the process of creation and seeing a mental picture of what to have or do,or the kind of person we want to be.

You may think you are in charge of how your thoughts and thinking patterns are generated, yet generally your conscious mind is being guided by something bigger...your subconscious mind. This is the deeper river that's truly running the show. It began recording all of your experiences from the moment you came into conception. It has years of informational data, thinking patterns, emotional habits, and new ideas forming a variety of beliefs, attitudes and behavior patterns which influence how you think, feel and vibrate in this world. Think of your subconscious mind like an eternal spring of water from beneath the ground always flowing. An infinite river pouring continuously into you, flooding you with information that keeps you on track, holding you firm to the energetic vibration you are sending out into the world.

"You must first be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi

You are a high vibrational being connected with a potentially unlimited source of power, intelligence and energy. The level of energy and intelligence you're able to connect with stems directly from the programs running your subconscious. By using your imagination as a tool, you can open up and reprogram your subconscious mind to awaken to a higher source of energy and awareness. Then you can experience everything you want! By focusing your attention on positive images with joy and a child-like curiosity, you'll effortlessly re-program over old negative tapes once holding you back from manifesting your dream life. Yes, you can take action to manifest your dream life today simply by experiencing it today! The greatest thing is that you don't have to leave your room, you can experience it now just using your imagination. Let's explore this a bit more experientially...

Imagine that you're on a beautiful Hawaiian beach, your bare feet are snuggled in the warm soft sand and a gentle breeze moves by your face and feels like it's gently caressing your entire body. You feel completely relaxed as you gaze out at the golden sunset dipping into the ocean. The fresh ocean air is rich with oxygen, you take in a deep breath and inhale healing feelings into your body, mind and soul. The environment around you relaxes you deeper inside...

Check inside, how do you feel? Did you notice a slight shift in your energy? Feeling lighter, more relaxed and at peace? Did you imagine yourself having this experience? Perhaps you returned to a previous memory of feeling your toes in the soft warm sand, and blended this experience with something you once heard about Hawaii or saw on TV.? Either way, your imagination created a positive chemical response that is NOW spreading throughout your brain and bloodstream. Using positive healing imagery you can make yourself physically healthier, think more positive, feel happier and increase your ability to manifest the life you desire. With practice you can reach a level where you will attract anything and everything your heart desires!

"Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Now perhaps you know a few secret things about yourself that you'd like change. If you could go directly to the subconscious root of the issue, you'd be able to shift these patterns instantly. However, getting in there is half the journey. There can be layers of resistance and many distractions along the way. Through tapping into a deeper resource of energy you can open up your true spiritual connection to Source where the subconscious is accessed and you are freed! Even though the subconscious does not know the difference between imagination and reality, it does know when its time to let go of an old behavior pattern and return home, merging with Source.

"You really can change the world if you care enough." ~Marian Wright Edelman

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